Browsing CICERO Reports by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 210
A comprehensive approach to climate change: Options and obstacles
(CICERO Report;1996:04, Research report, 1996)The principle of comprehensiveness constitutes an important element in the climate convention, but guidelines as to how this principle is to be understood and implemented are not provided. In this analysis the meaning of ... -
A description of the Dynamic analysis of Economics of Environmental Policy (DEEP) model
(CICERO Report;2004:01, Research report, 2004)The DEEP model is a multi-sectoral, multi-regional, multi-gas dynamic computable general equilibrium model. It was developed for analysing the economics of climate change policy, and to generate emission scenarios for input ... -
A forward looking, actor based, indicator for climate gas emissions
(CICERO Report;2011:01, Research report, 2011) -
A macroeconomic assessment of impacts and adaptation to climate change in Europe
(CICERO Report;2009:06, Research report, 2009) -
A Model for Global Responses to Anthropogenic Changes in the Environment (GRACE)
(CICERO Report;2005:05, Research report, 2005)The GRACE model is a multi-sector, multi-regional, recursive dynamic computable general equilibrium model. It was developed for long-term economic analysis of climate change impacts and greenhouse gas abatement policy. The ... -
A note on social versus private value of the Halten CO2 project
(CICERO Report;2007:08, Research report, 2007)This report compares the social and private value of the Halten CO2 project. This is a carbon capture and storage project in Mid-Norway comprising a gas-fired power plant, CO2 capture facilities, enhanced oil recovery, and ... -
A painless solution? An analysis of two alternatives for global taxation for financing climate activities under the United Nations umbrella
(CICERO Report;1995:07, Research report, 1995)It is a widely held perception that the UN is unable to challenge the increasing number of global issues due to the lack of funding. Consequently, there has for some time, been a discussion of alternative ways of financing ... -
A review of country studies on climate change
(CICERO Report;1993:01, Research report, 1993)Country studies are important instruments for determining national climate policies and adding to the global knowledge on climate issues. They are, however, also the basis for examining the obligations of the Parties under ... -
ACIA og IPCC - en sammenligning av mottakelsen i amerikansk offentlighet
(CICERO Report;2005:04, Research report, 2005)Denne rapporten sammenligner mottakelsen av to vitenskapelige utredninger om klimaendringer i amerikansk offentlighet og politisk liv: Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) og Den tredje hovedrapporten fra FNs klimapanel ... -
Air Pollution and Congestion in Bangkok- Developing analytical tools, and implications
(CICERO Report;2009:01, Research report, 2009)In a congested city with air pollution like Bangkok, there are gains to analyzing and addressing them in coordination. Higher speed, tremendously valuable in itself for firms and households, also reduce the costs of air ... -
Air quality estimates in Taiyan, Shanxi Province, China
(CICERO Report;2003:01, Research report, 2003)In a previous cost-benefit analysis of local air quality improvements in Shanxi, a simple linear relationship between emissions and surface concentrations was assumed (Aunan et al., 2004). This study looks more closely at ... -
An analysis of the Bonn agreement: Background information for evaluating business implications
(CICERO Report;2001:03, Research report, 2001)This report has been commissioned by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and written in August 2001. The aim of the report is to present and analyze the newest developments in the climate negotiations, ... -
An assessment of experiences in the U.S.A. with power and emissions disclosure information for energy consumers
(CICERO Report;2007:02, Research report, 2007)A new Norwegian electricity directive that will take effect in 2007 will mandate the compliance of Norwegian electricity utilities with the European Unions EL Directive (2003/54/EC, par 6). The EU Directive states that all ... -
An evaluation of business implications of the Kyoto Protocol
(CICERO Report;2001:05, Research report, 2001)This report has been commissioned by Norsk Hydro ASA and written in November-December 2001. The aim of the report is to present and analyze the newest developments in the climate negotiations, particularly the seventh ... -
Assessing metrics of climate change: Current methods and future possibilities
(CICERO Report;2001:04, Research report, 2001)With the principle of comprehensiveness embedded in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (Art. 3), a multi-gas abatement strategy with emphasis also on non-CO2 greenhouse gases as targets for reduction and control ... -
Assessment of carbon effects from two projects from the Rainforest Foundation Norway’s programme portfolio
(CICERO Report;2019:04, Report, 2019-06)The Rainforest Foundation Norway (RFN) has commissioned CICERO to do a project on the carbon effects of two REDD+ projects as a literature study. The two sites are found in Indonesia and Colombia. We have assessed carbon ... -
Atmospheric Impacts of Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier
(CICERO Report;2020:07, Report, 2020-10) -
Barrierer for klimatilpasning på lokalt og regionalt nivå
(CICERO Report;2022:03, Report, 2022-05)På oppdrag fra Miljødirektoratet har CICERO, Vestlandsforskning og Nordlandsforskning gjennomført en studie av barrierer for klimatilpasning på lokalt og regionalt nivå. Studien består av en kunnskapssammenstilling om ... -
Bergens klimagassutslipp mot 2030 - Referansebane og mulighetsscenarier
(CICERO Report;2020:08, Report, 2020-10)CICERO og TØI har laget en modell for framskrivinger av klimagassutslipp i Bergen, på oppdrag fra Bergen kommune. Modellen er brukt til å konstruere en referansebane for klimagassutslipp fram til 2030, og tre mulighetsscenarier ... -
Betydningen av kommunal klimapolitikk. Virkemidler, potensial og barrierer
(CICERO Report;2005:06, Research report, 2005)Denne rapporten viser at kommunene besitter viktige klimavirkemidler og at potensialet for det lokale klimaarbeidet er av betydning. De spiller en viktig rolle i reduksjon av utslipp knyttet til valg av boligmønster og ...