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A new halocarbon absorption model based on HITRAN cross-section data and new estimates of halocarbon instantaneous clear-sky radiative forcing
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The article describes a new practical model for the infrared absorption of chlorofluorocarbons and other gases with dense spectra, based on high-resolution transmission molecular absorption database (HITRAN) absorption ... -
No constraint on long-term tropical land carbon-climate feedback uncertainties from interannual variability
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Unraveling drivers of the interannual variability of tropical land carbon cycle is critical for understanding land carbon-climate feedbacks. Here we utilize two generations of factorial model experiments to show that ... -
Noen Sentrale konklusjoner i andre hovedrapport fra FNs klimapanel (IPPC 1995)
(1996:02, Working paper, 1996) -
NORADAPT - Community Adaptation and Vulnerability in Norway
(2012:01, Research report, 2012)I NORADAPT har forskere fra CICERO senter for klimaforsking, Vestlandsforsking, Østlandsforsking og Meteorologisk Institutt gjennom tett samarbeid med 8 utvalgte prosjektkommuner gjennomført en studie der målet var at ... -
Nordic Investment Bank (NIB)
(Second opinions;2018:029, Report, 2018-12-04)Category: Second Opinion, Sector: Banking, Issuer type: Financial Institution, Shading: Dark Green -
Nordmenn og deling: Deskriptive resultater fra spørreundersøkelse i prosjektet ShareOn
(2019:14, Research report, 2019-10)Prosjektet ShareOn er et samarbeidprosjekt hvor både forskningsmiljøer, offentlige aktører, næringsaktører og idédrevne (ideelle) organisasjoner deltar. Prosjektet belyser deling som strategi i omstillingen til ... -
Norges klimamål for 2030. Fra global til europeisk kostnadseffektivitet
(2017:04, Research report, 2017)Fra Kyoto-protokollens ovenfra og ned-system, så man i oppløpet til Paris-toppmøtet i 2015 en dreining mot mer nasjonalt ansvar. Dette gjorde at de framtidige mulighetene for å kutte utslipp i utviklingsland, måten Norge ... -
(Second opinions;2019:002, Report, 2019-01-23)Category: Second Opinion, Sector: Wholesale, Issuer type: Corporate, Shading: Dark Green -
Norrköping kommun
(Second opinions;2016:001, Report, 2016-04-26)Category: Second Opinion, Sector: Municipal Government, Issuer type: Local Government, Shading: Dark Green -
Norsk gjennomføring av Klimakonvensjonen
(1997:03, Working paper, 1997)Klimakonvensjonen har i tiden etter 1992 utviklet seg til å bli ett av de mest betydningsfulle resultater fra Rio-møtet. I juni 1996 hadde 159 land underskrevet Klimakonvensjonen, noe som i seg selv indikerer dens betydning. ... -
Norsk klimapolitikk: 2030-målene og tilknytningen til EU
(2015:01, Working paper, 2015)Dette arbeidsnotatet gir en kort gjennomgang av norsk klimapolitisk debatt anno 2015. Det fokuserer spesielt på betydning av forholdet mellom Norge og EUs klima- og energipolitikk. Regjeringen Solberg la 6. februar 2015 ... -
Norsk klimapolitisk debatt etter klimaforliket
(2009:03, Working paper, 2009) -
Norway’s role in supporting green growth in developing countries
(2016:03, Research report, 2016)This report discusses green growth in developing countries, and Norway's role supporting such a green development strategy. After defining green growth in the context of developing countries, the report discusses indicators ... -
Norwegian Climate Policies 1990-2010: Principles, Policy Instruments and Political Economy Aspects
(2010:03, Working paper, 2010)Norwegian climate policies with a focus on the mitigation of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions over the last twenty years, the period of the existence of CICERO, is critically reviewed and analysed in this policy paper. Best ... -
Norwegian mayoral awareness of and attitudes towards climate change
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)The willingness of local politicians to implement measures for curbing greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to emerging conditions is essential for successful climate change policies. This article reports findings from a ... -
Norwegian petroleum policy in a changing climate
(2019:10, Research report, 2019-08)The report provides an up-to-date account of the debates about how Norway can best handle its paradoxical position between oil dependence and climate leadership ambitions. Historically, political actors have sought to ... -
Now you see it now you don't: Expose and critique of approaches to the study of European integration
(1993:07, Working paper, 1993) -
NOx emissions from aircraft: Effects of lightning and convection on changes in tropospheric ozone
(1998:05, Working paper, 1998)A global 3-dimensional chemical tracer model (CTM) has been used to study the impact on tropospheric ozone caused by NOx emissions from today’s fleet of subsonic aircraft (0.52 Tg(N)/yr), due to uncertainties in sources ... -
Nuclear Energy: Rise, Fall and Resurrection
(2006:01, Working paper, 2006)This paper charts the rise, fall and potential resurrection of the civilian nuclear power industry over the past fifty years in the UK. The role of actors, interests, institutions and ideas are explored using Baumgartner ... -
Numerical simulation and evaluation of global ultrafine particle concentrations at the Earth's surface
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)A new global dataset of annually averaged ultrafine particle (UFP) concentrations at the Earth's surface for the years 2015–2017 has been developed through numerical simulations using the ECHAM/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry ...