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Radiative forcing bias of simulated surface albedo modifications linked to forest cover changes at northern latitudes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015) -
Radiative forcing in the ACCMIP historical and future climate simulations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)The Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ACCMIP) examined the short-lived drivers of climate change in current climate models. Here we evaluate the 10 ACCMIP models that included aerosols, 8 of ... -
Radiative forcing of climate change from the Copernicus reanalysis of atmospheric composition
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Radiative forcing provides an important basis for understanding and predicting global climate changes, but its quantification has historically been done independently for different forcing agents, has involved observations ... -
Radiative forcing of the direct aerosol effect from AeroCom Phase II simulations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)We report on the AeroCom Phase II direct aerosol effect (DAE) experiment where 16 detailed global aerosol models have been used to simulate the changes in the aerosol distribution over the industrial era. All 16 models ... -
Rapidly evolving aerosol emissions are a dangerous omission from near-term climate risk assessments
(Journal article, 2023)Anthropogenic aerosol emissions are expected to change rapidly over the coming decades, driving strong, spatially complex trends in temperature, hydroclimate, and extreme events both near and far from emission sources. ... -
Rapport frå 8. Møte i Ad Hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate (AGBM), Bonn 22.-31. Oktober 1997
(CICERO Policy Note;1997:03, Working paper, 1997) -
Reaching peak emissions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Rapid growth in global CO2 emissions from fossil fuels and industry ceased in the past two years, despite continued economic growth. Decreased coal use in China was largely responsible, coupled with slower global growth ... -
Recommendations for diagnosing effective radiative forcing from climate models for CMIP6
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The usefulness of previous Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) exercises has been hampered by a lack of radiative forcing information. This has made it difficult to understand reasons for differences between model ... -
Reduced carbon emission estimates from fossil fuel combustion and cement production in China
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)early three-quarters of the growth in global carbon emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and cement production between 2010 and 2012 occurred in China1, 2. Yet estimates of Chinese emissions remain subject to large ... -
Reduced Complexity Model Intercomparison Project Phase 2: Synthesizing Earth System Knowledge for Probabilistic Climate Projections
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Over the last decades, climate science has evolved rapidly across multiple expert domains. Our best tools to capture state-of-the-art knowledge in an internally self-consistent modeling framework are the increasingly complex ... -
Reduced damage to health and environment from energy saving: A methodology for integrated assessment applied to a case study in Hungary
(CICERO Working Paper;1998:13, Working paper, 1998)Environmental problems have different characteristics in terms of space and time. Noise, for instance, affects only those being close to the source, and the problem is instantly solved for these if the source is removed. ... -
Reducing the aerosol forcing uncertainty using observational constraints on warm rain processes
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Global climate models (GCMs) disagree with other lines of evidence on the rapid adjustments of cloud cover and liquid water path to anthropogenic aerosols. Attempts to use observations to constrain the parameterizations ... -
Reducing uncertainties in decadal variability of the global carbon budget with multiple datasets
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Conventional calculations of the global carbon budget infer the land sink as a residual between emissions, atmospheric accumulation, and the ocean sink. Thus, the land sink accumulates the errors from the other flux terms ... -
Redusert oljeutvinning som klimatiltak: Faglige og politiske perspektiver
(CICERO Policy Note;2017:01, Working paper, 2017)Å regulere produksjonen av fossile energiressurser har fått økt oppmerksomhet i klimadebatten de siste årene. Mens klimapolitikken tradisjonelt har vært orientert mot å begrense etterspørselen etter kull, olje og gass, er ... -
Referansebane for klimagassutslipp i Oslo fram til 2030
(CICERO Report;2022:06, Report, 2022-03)CICERO Senter for klimaforskning og Transportøkonomisk institutt (TØI) har utarbeidet en referansebane for klimagassutslipp i Oslo kommune fram til 2030 og en beregningsmodell for videre analyser av utslipp og mulige ... -
Referansebane og framskrivning for Oslos klimagassutslipp mot 2030
(CICERO Report;2018:12, Research report, 2018-09-07)Klimaetaten i Oslo kommune har gitt CICERO og TØI i oppdrag om å utarbeide en referansebane for Oslos klimagassutslipp for perioden 2017 til 2030. Dette arbeidet er basert på best tilgjengelig kunnskap om de driverne som ... -
Referansebane og framskrivning for Oslos klimagassutslipp mot 2030 - Revisjon mai 2019
(CICERO Report;2019:08, Report, 2019-06)Klimaetaten i Oslo kommune gav i 2018 CICERO og TØI i oppdrag om å utarbeide en referansebane for Oslos klimagassutslipp for perioden 2017 til 2030. I 2019 fikk vi et nytt oppdrag for å oppdatere denne rapporten basert på ... -
Reforestation and climate change mitigation: A background study for Joint Implementation in China and Indonesia
(CICERO Report;1998:03, Research report, 1998)This paper discusses the importance of institutional barriers in promoting reforestation as a means of mitigating global climate change. It is argued that cost-effective implementation of reforestation depends on proper ... -
Regime lessons from ocean dumping of radioactive waste
(CICERO Working Paper;1994:09, Working paper, 1994)Standard explanations for international environmental regime change do not account for the 1993 ban by states on ocean dumping of radioactive waste. This significant development was in large part caused by a trans-national ...