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Fairness conceptions and self-determined mitigation ambition under the Paris Agreement: Is there a relationship?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper investigates the empirical relationship between countries’ expressed concerns with fairness and the ambition levels in their pledged contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement, asking the following questions: ... -
Fairness in the climate negotiations: what explains variation in parties’ expressed conceptions?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)How to differentiate efforts and obligations fairly between countries has been among the most central and controversial issues in climate negotiations. This article analyses countries’ fairness conceptions as expressed in ... -
Fastighets AB Förvaltaren
(Second opinions;2014:003, Report, 2014-08-27)Category: Second Opinion, Sector: Real Estate, Issuer type: Corporate, Shading: Not shaded -
(Second opinions;2018:028, Report, 2018-11-22)Category: Second Opinion, Sector: Real Estate, Issuer type: Corporate, Shading: Medium Green -
Feasibility study on: Reforestation of degraded grasslands in Indonesia as a climate change mitigation option
(CICERO Report;1996:05, Research report, 1996)Deforestation and changes in land use in the tropics contribute a significant share of the anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases, of which the most important is carbon dioxide (CO2). Increasing the uptake and storage ... -
Financial Measures to Reduce Carbon Emissions in Britain, Japan and the United States: A SWOT Analysis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)To mitigate global warming, China, the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitter, has set the goals of achieving carbon peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060, and financial measures could play an important role. To avoid ... -
(Second opinions;2017:013, Report, 2017-10-18)Category: Second Opinion, Sector: Energy, Issuer type: Corporate, Shading: Medium Green -
Fires as a source of annual ambient PM<inf>2.5</inf> exposure and chronic health impacts in Europe
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Chronic exposure to ambient PM2.5 is the largest environmental health risk in Europe. We used a chemical transport model and recent exposure response functions to simulate ambient PM2.5, contribution from fires and related ... -
The first multi-model ensemble of regional climate simulations at kilometer-scale resolution, part I: evaluation of precipitation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Here we present the first multi-model ensemble of regional climate simulations at kilometer-scale horizontal grid spacing over a decade long period. A total of 23 simulations run with a horizontal grid spacing of ∼3 km, ... -
Five criteria for global sustainable development
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)A clear understanding of the global-level sustainable development concept is necessary before applying it to projects at a national, local or firm level. Such lower-level projects may concern managing production and ... -
Five criteria for global sustainable development
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)A clear understanding of the global-level sustainable development concept is necessary before applying it to projects at a national, local or firm level. Such lower-level projects may concern managing production and ... -
Flexible instruments in climate policy
(CICERO Policy Note;1999:01, Working paper, 1999)The presentation covers three main themes:Flexible mechanisms and cost effectiveness. Taxes vs. emission quotas: Some lessons from Norway. Some issues related to the construction of a national emission trading regime. -
Flomrisiko i Norge: Hvem betaler for framtidens våtere klima?
(CICERO Report;2018:06, Report, 2018-05-09)Norge er ett flomutsatt land og vi kan forvente oss mer flom i fremtiden. Som en følge av klimaendringer, vil mengden ekstrem nedbør øke og regnflommer vil bli større og komme oftere. Alle økonomiske sektorer kan bli ... -
Flood Risk for Investors. Are you prepared?
(CICERO Report;2018:05, Research report, 2018-05-04)The report discusses how climate change will affect the frequency and intensity of flooding events. Looking at four case studies, it maps the total costs of flood events and analyses who ultimately pays the costs. The case ... -
Folk og klima: Nordmenns holdninger til klimaendringer, klimapolitikk og eget ansvar
(CICERO Report;2019:20, Report, 2019-12)Denne rapporten er en delrapport fra prosjektet ACT (‘From targets to action: public responses to climate policy instruments’) som er finansiert av Norges forskningsråd. Formålet med dette forskningsprosjektet er å gi ... -
Folk og klima: Utvikling i nordmenns oppfatninger om klimaendringer, klimapolitikk og eget ansvar 2018-2021
(CICERO Report;2022:07, Research report, 2022-05)Denne rapporten gir en oversikt over noen deskriptive resultater fra fire spørreundersøkelser gjort i prosjektet ACT (‘From targets to action: public responses to climate policy instruments’) som er finansiert av Norges ... -
Forbrukerfleksibilitet: Et kunnskapsgrunnlag for å forstå husholdningers oppfatninger og muligheter
(CICERO Report;2023:08, Research report, 2023-09)I Norge ble en ny modell for beregning av nettleie innført 1. juli 2022. Formålet med den nye nettleien er å motivere husholdninger til å fordele strømforbruket jevnere utover døgnet. På tidspunktet hvor den nye nettleien ... -
Forbudet mot nydyrking av myr: Bakgrunn, effekter og utfordringer
(CICERO Report;2020:11, Report, 2020-12)Rapporten utforsker i hvilken grad forbudet mot nydyrking av myr vil virke etter hensikten og dermed hvilket potensial forbudet har som klimapolitisk virkemiddel. Rapporten utforsker bakgrunnen til lovforslaget og ulike ... -
Forest fluxes and mortality response to drought: Model description (ORCHIDEE-CAN-NHA r7236) and evaluation at the Caxiuanã drought experiment
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Extreme drought events in Amazon forests are expected to become more frequent and more intense with climate change, threatening ecosystem function and carbon balance. Yet large uncertainties exist on the resilience of this ... -
Forest-based bioenergy in Norway’s green transition: Balancing production and other societal interests
(CICERO Report;2021:09, Report, 2021-12)This report explores the potential of bioenergy from forests to contribute to the green transition of society. Forest biomass is the largest potential bioenergy source in Norway, in the form of firewood, chips for heating, ...