Browsing CICERO Research Archive by Title
Now showing items 665-684 of 1054
Nacka Kommun
(Second opinions;2018:016, Report, 2018-05-23)Category: Second Opinion, Sector: Municipal Government, Issuer type: Local Government, Shading: Dark Green -
Nasjonal klimapolitikk i lys av Kyoto-protokollen
(1998:12, Working paper, 1998)Artikkelen drøfter valg og dosering av klimapolitiske tiltak på den nasjonale arena i et land som er bundet av en utslippsforpliktelse i Kyoto-protokollen. Den vanlige antakelsen om at en klimagassavgift skal være lik ... -
Nasjonale drivkrefter i USAs klimapolitikk
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)Da Obama overtok som president i 2009, var ett av hovedmålene å styrke amerikansk klimapolitikk. Fem år senere er målet fortsatt ikke blitt realisert. For å forklare denne manglende måloppnåelsen undersøker vi tre forhold: ... -
Nasjonale drivkrefter i USAs klimapolitikk
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)Da Obama overtok som president i 2009, var ett av hovedmålene å styrke amerikansk klimapolitikk. Fem år senere er målet fortsatt ikke blitt realisert. For å forklare denne manglende måloppnåelsen undersøker vi tre forhold: ... -
National Climate Policy Ambitiousness: A Comparative Study of Denmark, France,Germany, Norway, Sweden and the UK
(2013:02, Research report, 2013)This report explores how and to what extent the climate policies of Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden and the UK can be called ‘ambitious’. Relevant EU climate policies are also presented. The report develops three ... -
National climate policy, firm survival, and investments
(2000:08, Working paper, 2000)In this paper we consider how to design a national tradable quota system to reduce emissions of climate gases when the regulator is concerned about the survival of specific firms. The problem is studied using a two-period ... -
National contributions to climate change due to historical emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide since 1850
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) have made significant contributions to global warming since the pre-industrial period and are therefore targeted in international climate ... -
National specialization policy versus farmers’ priorities: Balancing subsistence farming and cash cropping in Nepal
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The Nepali Government is currently implementing policies for a radical agricultural transformation into large-scale, mechanized, specialized and commercial farming. However, the peasants prioritize diversified subsistence ... -
Natural short-lived halogens exert an indirect cooling effect on climate
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Observational evidence shows the ubiquitous presence of ocean-emitted short-lived halogens in the global atmosphere1,2,3. Natural emissions of these chemical compounds have been anthropogenically amplified since pre-industrial ... -
Near- and long-term global warming of current emissions
(2018:15, Research report, 2018-11-05)Human activities influence the climate in a range of ways. While emissions of CO2 from burning of fossil fuels is the dominant factor behind the present rapid global warming, many other gases and particles also contribute. ... -
Neglected implications of land-use and land-cover changes on the climate-health nexus
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Climate change can substantially affect temperature-related mortality and morbidity, especially under high greenhouse gas emission pathways. Achieving the Paris Agreement goals require not only drastic reductions in fossil ... -
Net Zero: Science, Origins, and Implications
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This review explains the science behind the drive for global net zero emissions and why this is needed to halt the ongoing rise in global temperatures. We document how the concept of net zero carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions ... -
A new halocarbon absorption model based on HITRAN cross-section data and new estimates of halocarbon instantaneous clear-sky radiative forcing
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The article describes a new practical model for the infrared absorption of chlorofluorocarbons and other gases with dense spectra, based on high-resolution transmission molecular absorption database (HITRAN) absorption ... -
No constraint on long-term tropical land carbon-climate feedback uncertainties from interannual variability
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Unraveling drivers of the interannual variability of tropical land carbon cycle is critical for understanding land carbon-climate feedbacks. Here we utilize two generations of factorial model experiments to show that ... -
Noen Sentrale konklusjoner i andre hovedrapport fra FNs klimapanel (IPPC 1995)
(1996:02, Working paper, 1996) -
NORADAPT - Community Adaptation and Vulnerability in Norway
(2012:01, Research report, 2012)I NORADAPT har forskere fra CICERO senter for klimaforsking, Vestlandsforsking, Østlandsforsking og Meteorologisk Institutt gjennom tett samarbeid med 8 utvalgte prosjektkommuner gjennomført en studie der målet var at ... -
Nordic Investment Bank (NIB)
(Second opinions;2018:029, Report, 2018-12-04)Category: Second Opinion, Sector: Banking, Issuer type: Financial Institution, Shading: Dark Green -
Nordmenn og deling: Deskriptive resultater fra spørreundersøkelse i prosjektet ShareOn
(2019:14, Research report, 2019-10)Prosjektet ShareOn er et samarbeidprosjekt hvor både forskningsmiljøer, offentlige aktører, næringsaktører og idédrevne (ideelle) organisasjoner deltar. Prosjektet belyser deling som strategi i omstillingen til ... -
Norges klimamål for 2030. Fra global til europeisk kostnadseffektivitet
(2017:04, Research report, 2017)Fra Kyoto-protokollens ovenfra og ned-system, så man i oppløpet til Paris-toppmøtet i 2015 en dreining mot mer nasjonalt ansvar. Dette gjorde at de framtidige mulighetene for å kutte utslipp i utviklingsland, måten Norge ... -
(Second opinions;2019:002, Report, 2019-01-23)Category: Second Opinion, Sector: Wholesale, Issuer type: Corporate, Shading: Dark Green