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Spatiotemporal Differentiation and Driving Mechanism of Coupling Coordination between New-Type Urbanization and Ecological Environment in China
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The coupling coordination between new-type urbanization and ecological environment is important for regional sustainable development in China. This study proposes an evaluation index system of new urbanization and ecological ... -
The Spectral Nature of Stratospheric Temperature Adjustment and its Application to Halocarbon Radiative Forcing
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Stratospheric temperature adjustment (STA) is often a significant component of greenhouse gas radiative forcing (RF), for both the most widely used definition of RF and effective radiative forcing. It is well established ... -
SRES utslippsscenarier - En gjennomgang av bakgrunn, drivkrefter og resultater
(2000:02, Working paper, 2000)Den tredje arbeidsgruppen i FNs klimapanel (IPCC) fikk i 1996 oppgaven med å utvikle en spesialrapport om utslippsscenarier (Special Report on Emission Scenarios, SRES). Utslippsscenarier er beskrivelser av hvordan man ... -
Stable climate metrics for emissions of short and long-lived species—combining steps and pulses
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Multi-gas climate agreements rely on a methodology (widely referred to as 'metrics') to place emissions of different gases on a CO2-equivalent scale. There has been an ongoing debate on the extent to which existing metrics ... -
Standard climate models radiation codes underestimate black carbon radiative forcing
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Radiative forcing (RF) of black carbon (BC) in the atmosphere is estimated using radiative transfer codes of various complexities. Here we show that the two-stream radiative transfer codes used most in climate models give ... -
State dependent pollution control and the choice of policy instruments
(1994:08, Working paper, 1994)The paper examines the role of policy instruments aiming at the control of environmental problems. If there is a complex relationship between economic activities and environmental effects, the use of indirect economic ... -
(Second opinions;2019:004, Report, 2019-01-31)Category: Second Opinion, Sector: Energy, Issuer type: Corporate, Shading: Dark Green -
Steady global surface warming from 1973 to 2022 but increased warming rate after 1990
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The change in global mean surface temperature is a crucial and broadly used indicator of the evolution of climate change. Any decadal scale changes in warming rate are however obfuscated by internal variability. Here we ... -
Stockholms Lans Landsting (SLL) (Stockholm City Council)
(Second opinions;2018:019, Report, 2018-08-23)Category: Second Opinion, Sector: Municipal Government, Issuer type: Local Government, Shading: Dark Green -
Strategies for controlling pollution from vehicular emissions in Beijing
(2002:04, Working paper, 2002)This paper describes the severe situation of vehicular emission pollution in Beijing, and discusses the following mitigation strategies: improving fuel quality, controlling the exhaust from new vehicles, controlling the ... -
Stratospheric ozone depletion: Its impact on tropospheric chemistry and on climate
(1995:10, Research report, 1995)Observations show a long term decrease in stratospheric ozone on a global scale during the last two decades. Over the southern polar region the reductions are large and clearly connected to man made emissions of CFCs. There ... -
Strong contribution from sensible heat to global precipitation increase in climate models is not supported by observational based data
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)It has previously been shown that trends in sensible heat from climate models have had a substantial contribution to global precipitation changes. We illustrate that this is the case also in the most recent Coupled Model ... -
Strong impacts on aerosol indirect effects from historical oxidant changes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018) -
Strong increase in mortality attributable to ozone pollution under a climate change and demographic scenario
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Long-term exposure to ambient ozone (O3) is associated with excess respiratory mortality. Pollution emissions, demographic, and climate changes are expected to drive future ozone-related mortality. Here, we assess global ... -
Strong regional trends in extreme weather over the next two decades under high- and low-emissions pathways
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Global warming is rapidly shifting climate conditions away from what societies and ecosystems are adapted to. While the magnitude of changes in mean and extreme climate are broadly studied, regional rates of change, a key ... -
Structure and agent in scientific diplomacy: Institutional design and leadership performance in the science-politics interface of climate change
(1994:14, Working paper, 1994)Science constitutes a central component in international environmental policy-making. Scientific advisory bodies have increasingly become integral parts of negotiating efforts to combat common environmental problems. Still, ... -
Strøm fra folket? Drivkrefter og barrierer
(2018:04, Research report, 2018-04)Prosjektet har hatt som målsetting å identifisere drivkrefter for og barrierer mot at norske husholdningskunder blir plusskunder. Vi har sett på hvorfor noen husholdninger i Norge velger å bli plusskunder, hvilke erfaringer ... -
Strømkunders oppfatninger om ny nettleiemodell: rettferdighet og fleksibilitet
(2023:02, Research report, 2023-03)Rapporten oppsummerer funn fra kvalitative undersøkelser knyttet til kunders oppfatninger om ny nettleiemodell for strøm i Norge. Samlet viser resultatene at mange av kundene har en viss grad av bekymring for at den nye ... -
Study to develop practical guidelines for "Joint Implementation" under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
(1993:02, Research report, 1993)In December 1991, the OECD Environment and Development Ministers directed OECD "to initiate work on mechanisms to facilitate joint implementation, in a cost effective manner, of commitments on greenhouse gases." This report ... -
Støtte til elektrisitetsproduksjon fra fornybare kilder. Er risiko et onde?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Europakommisjonen ønsker mer bruk av markedsbaserte støtteordninger, slik som det norsk-svenske elsertifikatmarkedet. Likevel velger de fleste EU-land faste innmatingstariffer og tilsvarende støtteordninger som skjermer ...