Blar i CICERO Reports på utgivelsesdato
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Effects of reductions in stratospheric ozone on tropospheric chemistry through changes in photolysis rates
(1993:05, Research report, 1993)The observed reductions in stratospheric ozone since the late 1970s are likely to have affected the penetration of UV radiation into the troposphere. We have examined the sensitivity and the response of the tropospheric ... -
Study to develop practical guidelines for "Joint Implementation" under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
(1993:02, Research report, 1993)In December 1991, the OECD Environment and Development Ministers directed OECD "to initiate work on mechanisms to facilitate joint implementation, in a cost effective manner, of commitments on greenhouse gases." This report ... -
Biological effects of climate change: An introduction to the field and a survey of current research
(1993:03, Research report, 1993)This report presents a survey of international (Chapter 2) as well as national research activities within 13 selected countries (Chapter 3) in the field of biological effects of climate change. In addition, a brief overview ... -
Responses in tropospheric O3, OH and CH4 to changed emissions of important trace gases
(1993:04, Research report, 1993)A two-dimensional (altitude vs. latitude) photochemical/transport model of the global troposphere is applied to study the effects of changed emissions of NOx, CH4, CO2 and NMHC on the levels of O3, OH and CH4. On a mass ... -
A review of country studies on climate change
(1993:01, Research report, 1993)Country studies are important instruments for determining national climate policies and adding to the global knowledge on climate issues. They are, however, also the basis for examining the obligations of the Parties under ... -
Responses in tropospheric chemistry to changes in UV fluxes, temperatures and water vapour densities
(1994:05, Research report, 1994)A two-dimensional chemistry/transport model of the global troposphere is used to study the chemical response to i) increased UV-radiation from stratospheric ozone depletion and ii) increased temperatures and water vapour ... -
The state of the ozone layer: A 1994 science update
(1994:03, Research report, 1994)Both the ground based and satellite observation data bases have been extended since the previous international ozone assessment. There are several satellite systems in operation that provide total ozone data, which have ... -
Direct and indirect global warming potentials of source gases
(1994:01, Research report, 1994)Global Warming Potentials for emissions of CH4, CO and NOx that take into account indirect chemical effects have been estimated for five time horizons. The indirect effects of methane emissions that have been considered ... -
Energy efficiency: A possible no-regrets option for curbing greenhouse gas emissions
(1994:02, Research report, 1994)The risk of global warming is a problem that is inherently international in its character. A solution may require international cooperation on a wide scale, but binding treaties are difficult to negotiate. Moreover, free ... -
What might be minimum requirements for making the mechanism of Joint Implementation under the Climate Convention credible and operational
(1994:04, Research report, 1994)Joint implementation (JI) is a mechanism under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC). The criteria of the mechanism are yet to be decided upon, but discussions in the International Negotiating Committee (INC) ... -
World Bank appraisal mission to Poland May 31 to June 11, 1993. The GEF Coal-to-Gas Conversion Project
(1994:07, Research report, 1994)These two reports (R1994-07 & R1994-08) were written for the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of our participation in the World Bank Appraisal Missions to initiate two practical demonstration projects for ... -
World Bank appraisal mission to Mexico The GEF - ILUMEX Project
(1994:08, Research report, 1994)These two reports (R1994-07 & R1994-08) were written for the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of our participation in the World Bank Appraisal Missions to initiate two practical demonstration projects for ... -
Joint Implementation under the Climate Convention: Phases, options and incentives
(1994:06, Research report, 1994)The aim of this report is to analyze the conditions under which Joint Implementation (JI) can contribute to a costeffective abatement of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. JI refers to policies and measures implemented ... -
Fuel substitution in Amazonia: Feasibility study to investigate future options for Joint Implementation projects between Brazil and Norway
(1995:01, Research report, 1995)The motives behind this study, financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is to increase our experience and knowledge of possible future Joint Implementation projects. The study demonstrates some opportunities ... -
Climate strategy for Africa
(1995:03, Research report, 1995)1. General observations Africa south of the Sahara is probably the most vulnerable region when it comes to the impact and consequences of climate changes. Yet the African continent runs a serious risk of being marginalized ... -
A painless solution? An analysis of two alternatives for global taxation for financing climate activities under the United Nations umbrella
(1995:07, Research report, 1995)It is a widely held perception that the UN is unable to challenge the increasing number of global issues due to the lack of funding. Consequently, there has for some time, been a discussion of alternative ways of financing ... -
Climate, air pollution and energy in Hungary
(1995:02, Research report, 1995)Within five to ten years, Hungary will have to design an overall environmental policy. In the meantime, Hungarian decision makers have an opportunity to make preparations in order to meet domestic as well as global ... -
Stratospheric ozone depletion: Its impact on tropospheric chemistry and on climate
(1995:10, Research report, 1995)Observations show a long term decrease in stratospheric ozone on a global scale during the last two decades. Over the southern polar region the reductions are large and clearly connected to man made emissions of CFCs. There ... -
Exposure-response functions for health effects of air pollutants based on epidemiological findings
(1995:08, Research report, 1995)Quantitative knowledge about health damage due to air pollution is an important element in analyses of cost-effective abatement strategies, and it is also essential for setting Air Quality Standards. In this context ... -
Environmental problems connected to emissions of ozone-depleting and climate gases
(1995:09, Research report, 1995)-Carbon dioxide and methane emissions important for the global climate impact. -Less impact through energy efficiency (CO2) and better control of CH4-emssions. -Rapid increase in emission of pollutants. -Rapid increase ...