Now showing items 51-70 of 210

    • Deling av arbeid, arbeidsløshet og miljøproblemer - en drøfting av noen kortsiktige og langsiktige sammenhenger 

      Holtsmark, Bjart (CICERO Report;1996:07, Research report, 1996)
      The aim of the project is to discuss the links between technological development, unemployment, work sharing and some environmental issues. The discussion explores whether reduced working hours in general are likely to ...
    • Description of a 1.5°C scenario with chosen measures 

      Cappelen, Ådne; Glomsrød, Solveig; Lindholt, Lars; Rosendahl, Knut Einar; Wei, Taoyuan (CICERO Report;2022:08, Report, 2022-05)
      In the Paris Agreement, it was agreed to limit global warming to well below 2°C, and preferably to 1.5°C, compared to pre-industrial levels. At the follow-up meeting in Glasgow in 2021, the goal was strengthened to 1.5°C. ...
    • Developing strategies for climate change: The UNEP country studies on climate change impacts and adaptations assessment 

      Unknown author (CICERO Report;2000:02, Research report, 2000)
      This report summarizes four country studies that were undertaken as part of the UNEP "Country Case Studies on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations Assessment." These studies, carried out in Antigua and Barbuda, Cameroon, ...
    • Differentiation, leaders and fairness: Negotiating climate commitments in the European Community 

      Ringius, Lasse (CICERO Report;1997:08, Research report, 1998)
      This report shows that it is possible to negotiate and reach asymmetrical environmental agreements that take into account significant national dissimilarities. The report argues that analytical models and intuitively ...
    • Direct and indirect global warming potentials of source gases 

      Fuglestvedt, Jan S.; Isaksen, Ivar S. A.; Wang, Wei-Chyung (CICERO Report;1994:01, Research report, 1994)
      Global Warming Potentials for emissions of CH4, CO and NOx that take into account indirect chemical effects have been estimated for five time horizons. The indirect effects of methane emissions that have been considered ...
    • Disaggregating the Electricity Sector in the GRACE Model. 

      Rive, Nathan; Mideksa, Torben Kenea (CICERO Report;2009:02, Research report, 2009)
    • Economic impacts of climate change on tuna fisheries in Fiji Islands and Kiribati 

      Aaheim, H. Asbjørn; Sygna, Linda (CICERO Report;2000:04, Research report, 2000)
      This paper discusses the possible economic consequences of a change in the tuna fisheries in the Pacific Ocean resulting from climate change. On the background of Lehodey's (2000) study of potential changes in the tuna ...
    • Effect of European post-Kyoto Climate Policies on Nordic Air Quality 

      Rypdal, Kristin; Rive, Nathan; Aunan, Kristin; Åström, Stefan; Bak, Jesper L.; Karvosenoja, Niko; Kupiainen, Kaarle (CICERO Report;2007:01, Research report, 2007)
      Stricter commitments for GHG emissions in the post-Kyoto period will contribute to reduced emissions of air pollutants in the Nordic countries, avoided costs for end-of-pipe abatement to reach a specific target, and benefits ...
    • Effects of anthropogenic emissions on tropospheric ozone and its radiative forcing 

      Berntsen, Terje Koren; Isaksen, Ivar S. A.; Fuglestvedt, Jan S.; Myhre, Gunnar; Larsen, T. Alsvik; Stordal, Frode; Freckleton, R. S.; Shine, Keith P. (CICERO Report;1997:02, Research report, 1997)
      Tropospheric ozone changes since pre-industrial times due to changes in emissions have been calculated by the University of Oslo global 3-D photochemical model. The radiative forcing caused by the increase in ozone has ...
    • Effects of reductions in stratospheric ozone on tropospheric chemistry through changes in photolysis rates 

      Fuglestvedt, Jan S.; Jonson, J. E.; Isaksen, Ivar S. A. (CICERO Report;1993:05, Research report, 1993)
      The observed reductions in stratospheric ozone since the late 1970s are likely to have affected the penetration of UV radiation into the troposphere. We have examined the sensitivity and the response of the tropospheric ...
    • Effektiv klimakommunikasjon -Trender og fakta 2018 

      Arnslett, Astrid; Bjørnæs, Christian; Lannoo, Elisabeth (CICERO Report;2018:09, Research report, 2018-08-14)
      Dersom vi skal klare å holde den globale oppvarmingen godt under 2°C og helst under 1,5°C slik Parisavtalen sier, så haster det å gjennomføre det grønne skriftet. Vi vet omtrentlig hva som må gjøres, og mye av politikken ...
    • Ekstremværsituasjoner og transporteffekter: Næringslivets transporttilpasninger til klimaendringer 

      Askildsen, Thorkel C (CICERO Report;2004:10, Research report, 2004)
      Rapporten ser på hvordan klimaendringer vil påvirke godstransportstrømmene, noe som igjen reiser det påfølgende spørsmålet om hvordan aktørene, altså vareproduserende og konsumerende næringsliv samt transportbransjen, ...
    • En kunnskapsoversikt over klima og kjønn: Byrder, medvirkning og muligheter 

      Standal, Karina; Aamodt, Solveig (CICERO Report;2022:04, Report, 2022-03)
      Påvirkning av klimaendringer og klimatiltak, samt mulighet til å kunne delta og påvirke politikk og virkemidler i omstillingen til lavutslippssamfunnet, er betinget av grupper og enkeltindividers tilgang til ulike ressurser ...
    • Energy efficiency: A possible no-regrets option for curbing greenhouse gas emissions 

      Pettersen, Marit (CICERO Report;1994:02, Research report, 1994)
      The risk of global warming is a problem that is inherently international in its character. A solution may require international cooperation on a wide scale, but binding treaties are difficult to negotiate. Moreover, free ...
    • Environmental problems connected to emissions of ozone-depleting and climate gases 

      Isaksen, Ivar S. A. (CICERO Report;1995:09, Research report, 1995)
      -Carbon dioxide and methane emissions important for the global climate impact. -Less impact through energy efficiency (CO2) and better control of CH4-emssions. -Rapid increase in emission of pollutants. -Rapid increase ...
    • Establishing a baseline for monitoring and evaluating user satisfaction with climate services in Tanzania 

      Daly, Meaghan E.; West, Jennifer Joy; Yanda, Pius Z. (CICERO Report;2016:02, Research report, 2016)
      This report is an output from the Global Framework for Climate Services Adaptation Program in Africa (GFCS-APA) Tanzania country activities. The aim of the report is to establish a baseline for monitoring “User Satisfaction ...
    • Estimating effects on emissions of sharing 

      Aamaas, Borgar; Andrew, Robbie (CICERO Report;2020:03, Research report, 2020-05)
      Sharing products and services might have environmental consequences. This report is partly a literature review on the topic, but also an attempt of estimating the effects on emissions of different sharing schemes in the ...
    • Estimating mobilized private climate finance for developing countries - A Norwegian pilot study 

      Torvanger, Asbjørn; Narbel, Patrick; Lund, Harald Francke (CICERO Report;2015:04, Research report, 2015)
      The point of departure for this study is the available data in Norway on climate finance for developing countries. The bottleneck in tracking mobilized private climate finance is availability and quality of data. The main ...
    • EUs grønne giv: Status etter sommeren 2022 og mulige implikasjoner for Norge 

      Farstad, Fay Madeleine (CICERO Report;2022:09, Report, 2022-09)
      Klimaregelverket er en sentral del av EUs grønne giv og klima- og energipakken ‘Fit for 55’. En 2021-rapport fra CICERO mfl. analyserte Europakommisjonens (kommisjonens) foreslåtte endringer av klimaregelverket og mulige ...
    • EUs klimaregelverk vedtatt: Hva nå for Norge? 

      Farstad, Fay M.; Leiren, Merethe Dotterud; Lindberg, Marie Byskov; Hermansen, Erlend A. T.; Wettestad, Jørgen; Søgaard, Gunnhild; Øistad, Knut (CICERO Report;2024:01, Report, 2024-01-02)
      I 2023 ble de såkalte ‘trilogforhandlingene’ mellom Europakommisjonen, Rådet og Europaparlamentet om klimaregelverket og de fleste tilhørende forslag konkluderte og regelverkene vedtatt. Disse rettsaktene er en sentral del ...