Vulnerability to climate stress - local and regional perspectives
This report presents the proceedings of two related workshops, taking place in January/February 2005, that presented findings of the project ”Adaptation as a livelihood struggle: conflict and vulnerability among dryland populations in Kenya”. The research investigates how conflicts shape adaptation and contribute to vulnerability in the face of climate stress such as drought. One of the aims of the project is to contribute to national (Kenyan) and regional (East African) climate adaptation policy processes with regard to how the most vulnerable can be targeted. The two meetings were intended to address this particular project aim. The first workshop, taking place in Nairobi, was a forum for discussion of preliminary research findings from the Kitui and Turkana case study sites with national and regional policy makers, practitioners and researchers. This workshop, conducted jointy with the “Capacity building in Least developed countries regarding Adaptation to Climate Change (CLACC)” project, also included presentations regarding climate change adaptation research and policy development in the region. In the second workshop, taking place in Kitui Town, the Kitui case study findings were discussed with villagers as well as district and local administration and leaders.