Browsing CICERO Working Papers by Title
Now showing items 68-87 of 167
"Friedheim in the Greenhouse": Tracing key positions of key actors on key climate issues
(1997:11, Working paper, 1997)The climate negotiation process is probably the most complex international environmental negotiation process to date. A high number of actors and issues are involved. In order to increase the understanding of the political ... -
From non-market support to cost-competitive incentives: Wind energy commercialization in China
(2000:03, Working paper, 2000)This paper presents an overview of the development of wind energy in China. By examining the economics of windfarm development, it compares the economics of wind technology with other conventional energy technologies and ... -
From the Kyoto Protocol to the fossil fuel market: A model analysis
(1998:09, Working paper, 1998)Implementation of the Kyoto Protocol will change the energy markets. The resulting price shifts will represent important terms-of-trade changes. The paper explores how the different countries’ relationship to the fossil ... -
Føre var-prinsippet som rasjonelt beslutningskriterium
(2001:13, Working paper, 2001)Notatet spør om føre var-prinsippet kan betraktes som et rasjonelt beslutningskriterium. Forfatteren fokuserer på i alt seks uavklarte spørsmål: 1. Representerer prinsippet et bestemt sett av politiske handlingsalternativer, ... -
Globalization of the automobile industry in China: Dynamics and barriers in the greening of road transportation
(2001:09, Working paper, 2001)This article describes the state of the automobile industry and urban road transportation management in China. It reviews how the automobile industry is evolving to respond to challenges in economic development, environmental ... -
Green Electricity Market Development in the United States: Policy Analysis and Case Studies
(2004:02, Working paper, 2004)This paper reviews green electricity development in the United States, focusing on policies that have been enacted to promote green electricity. Green power is a term that refers to electricity generated from particular ... -
Green electricity policy in the Netherlands: An analysis of policy decisions
(2003:08, Working paper, 2003)Over the last decades, fundamental changes in both market conditions and the national and international policy framework in the Netherlands can be observed. The Dutch Government has intervened in markets regularly, ... -
Greenhouse gas economics and computable general equilibrium
(1994:05, Working paper, 1994)_________________________________________________________ The author of this report, Hans Gottinger, has been regrettably found guilty of several counts of plagiarism. While we have no definitive proof that this particular ... -
Group size effects in two repeated game models of a global climate agreement
(2002:05, Working paper, 2002)What levels of total abatement can one hope for in a global climate agreement? Some potential answers to this question are provided by game theory. This working paper contains a critical discussion of two (prominent) game ... -
Identifying and selecting significant, less significant and insignificant actors in global climate change negotiations
(1997:06, Working paper, 1997) -
Impacts of reduced NOx emissions on radiative forcing through changes in tropospheric O3 and CH4: A global 3-D model study
(1997:01, Working paper, 1997)A three-dimensional global chemical tracer model and a radiation transfer model have been used to study the role of reduced NOx emissions on radiative forcing. Through production of tropospheric O3, NOx emissions lead to ... -
Impatience and climate policy
(2001:01, Working paper, 2001) -
Implementing China's Agenda 21: From national strategy to local actions
(1998:04, Working paper, 1998)The paper analyzes the process of adaptation of the Chinese governmental policy in response to sustainable development. It reviews the historical roots, from which response to sustainable development arises. Through ... -
Institutional barriers to commercialisation of wind power in India: The case of Gujarat
(1999:07, Working paper, 1999)Institutional support for encouraging renewable energy technologies in India, is strong at the state, the national and international levels. Within Gujarat a range of underlying drivers and more explicit policies and ... -
Institutional dynamics and barriers in wind energy development: A case study of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, India
(1999:04, Working paper, 1999)Tamil Nadu state had 719 MW of windfarm capacity by September 1998 out of the country’s total figure of 992 MW, while Andhra Pradesh had 58 MW installed capacity. 1995-96 saw a boom when 282 MW windfarms were set up in ... -
Investment in flood protection measures under climate change uncertainty
(2012:01, Working paper, 2012) -
Joint Implementation under asymmetric information and strategic behaviour
(1994:12, Working paper, 1994)Joint Implementation (JI) under the Framework Convention of Climate Change means that countries could partly offset their national abatement commitments by investing in CO2 abatement projects abroad. JI is introduced as a ... -
Kjøp og salg av klimagasskvoter: Noen mulige konsekvenser av Kyoto-protokollen
(1998:02, Working paper, 1998) -
Kortere arbeidstid og miljøproblemer - noen regneeksempler for å illustrere mulige kortsiktige og langsiktige sammenhenger
(1996:03, Working paper, 1996)Det er skapt et inntrykk av at kortere arbeidstid vil bidra til å redusere miljøproblemene. Dette kan være bygget på en for enkel tankegang hvor man neglisjerer den teknologiske utviklingens potensiale for å løse miljøproblemer ... -
Kostnadseffektiv klimapolitikk med doble gevinster
(1999:06, Working paper, 1999)Publikajsonen drøfter valg og dosering av klimapolitiske tiltak i et land som er bundet av en utslippsforpliktelse i Kyotoprotokollen, men samtidig tar hensyn til en offentlig budsjettbetingelse. Antakelsen om at en ...