• Physical climate risk: Investor needs and information gaps 

      Bruin, Karianne de; Romain, Hubert; Evain, Julie; Clapp, Christa; Dahl, Miriam Stackpole; Bolt, Jaclyn (CICERO Report;2019:03, Report, 2019-03-11)
      While investors are paying more attention to climate change, there is a lack of granular data designed to support financial decisions. Climate science can provide improved indicators and metrics to help investors better ...
    • Planlagt etablering av Klimafond å diskusjon av formål, anvendelse og effekt 

      Alfsen, Knut H.; Innbjør, Linda; Eskeland, Gunnar S. (CICERO Report;2007:05, Research report, 2007)
    • Policy Entrepreneurship Curbed by Member State Preferences: DG Climate Action and the Effort Sharing Policy 

      Myhrer, Eirik Elvemo (CICERO Report;2018:10, Research report, 2018-07-11)
      Efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the European Union (EU) are divided between two sector overreaching policy frameworks, the Emissions Trading Scheme and the Effort Sharing policy. The Effort Sharing policy ...
    • Potensial og barrierer for kommunale klimatiltak 

      Westskog, Hege; Selvig, Eivind; Aall, Carlo; Amundsen, Helene; Jensen, Elisabeth Schøyen (CICERO Report;2018:03, Research report, 2018-04-25)
      I denne rapporten har vi sett på potensial og barrierer for lokale klimatiltak der vi har lagt til grunn at Norge fram mot 2050 må redusere sine klimagassutslipp med 80-90% for å bli et såkalt lavutslippssamfunn. Skal Norge ...
    • Prerequisites for Geological Carbon Storage as a Climate Policy Option 

      Torvanger, Asbjørn; Kallbekken, Steffen; Rypdal, Kristin (CICERO Report;2004:04, Research report, 2004)
      Carbon storage is increasingly being considered as an important climate change mitigation option. This paper explores provisions for including geological carbon storage in climate policy. The storage capacity of Norway’s ...
    • Pro-Poor Climate Adaptation: Norwegian development cooperation and climate change adaptation - an assessment of issues, strategies and potential entry points 

      Eriksen, Siri E H; Næss, Lars Otto (CICERO Report;2003:02, Research report, 2003)
      This report reviews linkages between Norwegian development cooperation and climate change, with a focus on adaptation. It discusses key concepts, ongoing efforts and their relevance to Norwegian policies and strategies. ...
    • Referansebane for klimagassutslipp i Oslo fram til 2030 

      Korsbakken, Jan Ivar; Romundstad, Reidun Marie; Madslien, Anne (CICERO Report;2022:06, Report, 2022-03)
      CICERO Senter for klimaforskning og Transportøkonomisk institutt (TØI) har utarbeidet en referansebane for klimagassutslipp i Oslo kommune fram til 2030 og en beregningsmodell for videre analyser av utslipp og mulige ...
    • Referansebane og framskrivning for Oslos klimagassutslipp mot 2030 

      Aamaas, Borgar; Korsbakken, Jan Ivar; Madslien, Anne (CICERO Report;2018:12, Research report, 2018-09-07)
      Klimaetaten i Oslo kommune har gitt CICERO og TØI i oppdrag om å utarbeide en referansebane for Oslos klimagassutslipp for perioden 2017 til 2030. Dette arbeidet er basert på best tilgjengelig kunnskap om de driverne som ...
    • Referansebane og framskrivning for Oslos klimagassutslipp mot 2030 - Revisjon mai 2019 

      Aamaas, Borgar; Korsbakken, Jan Ivar; Madslien, Anne (CICERO Report;2019:08, Report, 2019-06)
      Klimaetaten i Oslo kommune gav i 2018 CICERO og TØI i oppdrag om å utarbeide en referansebane for Oslos klimagassutslipp for perioden 2017 til 2030. I 2019 fikk vi et nytt oppdrag for å oppdatere denne rapporten basert på ...
    • Reforestation and climate change mitigation: A background study for Joint Implementation in China and Indonesia 

      Gan, Lin; Næss, Lars Otto; Kasa, Sjur; O'Brien, Karen (CICERO Report;1998:03, Research report, 1998)
      This paper discusses the importance of institutional barriers in promoting reforestation as a means of mitigating global climate change. It is argued that cost-effective implementation of reforestation depends on proper ...
    • Relationships between physical effects of climate change on forests and economic impacts by world region 

      Aaheim, H. Asbjørn; Wei, Taoyuan (CICERO Report;2020:02, Report, 2020-05)
      This study projects the macroeconomic consequences of impacts of climate change on forests by world regions under the three Representative Concentration Pathways, RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5 until 2100. It is based on ...
    • Responses in tropospheric chemistry to changes in UV fluxes, temperatures and water vapour densities 

      Fuglestvedt, Jan S.; Jonson, J. E.; Wang, Wei-Chyung; Isaksen, Ivar S. A. (CICERO Report;1994:05, Research report, 1994)
      A two-dimensional chemistry/transport model of the global troposphere is used to study the chemical response to i) increased UV-radiation from stratospheric ozone depletion and ii) increased temperatures and water vapour ...
    • Responses in tropospheric O3, OH and CH4 to changed emissions of important trace gases 

      Fuglestvedt, Jan S.; Berntsen, Terje Koren; Isaksen, Ivar S. A. (CICERO Report;1993:04, Research report, 1993)
      A two-dimensional (altitude vs. latitude) photochemical/transport model of the global troposphere is applied to study the effects of changed emissions of NOx, CH4, CO2 and NMHC on the levels of O3, OH and CH4. On a mass ...
    • Shades of Climate Risk. Categorizing climate risk for investors 

      Clapp, Christa; Lund, Harald Francke; Aamaas, Borgar; Lannoo, Elisabeth (CICERO Report;2017:01, Research report, 2017)
      Taking a starting point in the latest climate science, this report categorizes climate change risk according to timeframe and probability by region and highlights risks that require immediate attention from investors. ...
    • Share-On – prosjekt om lokalsamfunnsdeling og bærekraft 

      Westskog, Hege; Arnslett, Astrid; Solberg, Nina; Aasen, Marianne; Julsrud, Tom Erik; Standal, Karina (CICERO Report;2020:04, Report, 2020-06)
      ShareOn har sett på motivasjon og betingelser for å få til deling samt hvilke effekter deling har på forbruk og sosial interaksjon. Vi har også gjort beregninger av utslippseffekter av deling ut fra ulike forsetninger når ...
    • ShareOn – midtveisrapport mai 2019 

      Westskog, Hege; Standal, Karina; Kallbekken, Steffen; Julsrud, Tom Erik; Aasen, Marianne; Wang, Lars; Aase, Tor Halfdan; Tellefsen, Sølvi (CICERO Report;2019:06, Report, 2019-04)
      ShareOn prosjektet er et samarbeidprosjekt hvor både forskningsmiljøer, offentlige aktører, næringsaktører og idedrevne (ideelle) organisasjoner deltar. Prosjektet er rettet mot å belyse deling som strategi i omstillingen ...
    • Shifting strategies in the global climate negotiations 

      Bang, Guri; Heggelund, Gørild; Vevatne, Jonas (CICERO Report;2005:08, Research report, 2005)
      Although the international climate change regime represents a genuinely global policy process, some actors have a more pivotal role than others – either as dynamos that drive the process, or as barriers to further development. ...
    • Skogtiltak mot klimaendringer: Oversikt og status etter fjerde partskonferanse til Klimakonvensjonen 

      Næss, Lars Otto (CICERO Report;1999:01, Research report, 1999)
      Hensikten med publikasjonen er å gi et en sammenfatning av spørsmål knyttet til tiltak i skogbruket for å motvirke globale klimaendringer. Hovedvekt er lagt på skogtiltak i klimaforhandlingene og teknisk karbonbindingspotensial. ...
    • Social exclusion and unemployment in the European Union: Current and future trends 

      Aaheim, H. Asbjørn; Twena, Michelle (CICERO Report;2005:01, Research report, 2005)
      This report analyses trends for the development of social exclusion in member states of the European Union. Relationships between indicators for economic development and social exclusion are examined with reference to ...
    • Socio-economic consequences of climate change in Hindu-Kush Himalaya 

      Aaheim, H. Asbjørn; Dhakal, Kabindra; Orlov, Anton (CICERO Report;2017:07, Research report, 2017-11-13)
      The answer to how climate change will affect Hindu-Kush-Himalaya depends on whom you ask. Some will point at expected changes in climate, others will show what it may do to poor people, and some will express their concerns ...