• Virkninger av klimaendringer i Norge 

      Sygna, Linda; O'Brien, Karen (CICERO Report;2001:01, Research report, 2001)
      Denne rapporten oppsummerer et seminar arrangert av CICERO Senter for klimaforskning om ”Virkninger av klimaendringer”. Seminaret fant sted på Håndverkeren i Oslo, 30.- 31. oktober 2000. Bakgrunnen for seminaret er et ...
    • Virksomme klimabudskap 

      Lannoo, Elisabeth; Reed, Eilif Ursin (CICERO Report;2016:01, Research report, 2016)
      Denne rapporten gir en kort oversikt over hva forskere og kommunikasjonseksperter mener er det viktigste som skal til for å få folk engasjert i klimasaken og hvilke verdier forskjellige målgrupper baserer sine valg på. Den ...
    • Visjoner av lavkarbon Norge 

      Torvanger, Asbjørn; Bjørnæs, Christian; Lund, Harald Francke; Oort, Bob van (CICERO Report;2016:09, Research report, 2016)
      Vi har utviklet visjoner av Norge i 2050 som et lavkarbon og klimarobust samfunn, basert på innspill fra en referansegruppe fra næringsliv, organisasjoner, myndigheter, forskningsmiljø og miljøorganisasjoner. De viktigste ...
    • Vulnerability to climate stress - local and regional perspectives 

      Eriksen, Siri E H; Owuor, B.; Nyukuri, Elvin; Orindi, Victor (CICERO Report;2006:01, Research report, 2006)
      This report presents the proceedings of two related workshops, taking place in January/February 2005, that presented findings of the project ”Adaptation as a livelihood struggle: conflict and vulnerability among dryland ...
    • Vurderinger av norsk klimapolitikk - En syntese av fire internasjonale rapporter 

      Alfsen, Knut H.; Bjørnæs, Christian; Reed, Eilif Ursin (CICERO Report;2011:02, Research report, 2011)
    • What might be minimum requirements for making the mechanism of Joint Implementation under the Climate Convention credible and operational 

      Selrod, Rolf; Torvanger, Asbjørn (CICERO Report;1994:04, Research report, 1994)
      Joint implementation (JI) is a mechanism under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC). The criteria of the mechanism are yet to be decided upon, but discussions in the International Negotiating Committee (INC) ...
    • What’s Fair – and Why? An Empirical Analysis of Distributive Fairness in the Climate Negotiations 

      Tørstad, Vegard H. (CICERO Report;2016:04, Research report, 2016)
      In the climate negotiations, conceptions of fairness plays an important role. For a climate agreement to be effective and durable, it must be conceived as fair by as many of its parties as possible. Unfortunately, there ...
    • World Bank appraisal mission to Mexico The GEF - ILUMEX Project 

      Selrod, Rolf; Skjelvik, John Magne (CICERO Report;1994:08, Research report, 1994)
      These two reports (R1994-07 & R1994-08) were written for the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of our participation in the World Bank Appraisal Missions to initiate two practical demonstration projects for ...
    • World Bank appraisal mission to Poland May 31 to June 11, 1993. The GEF Coal-to-Gas Conversion Project 

      Selrod, Rolf; Sørensen, Erik (CICERO Report;1994:07, Research report, 1994)
      These two reports (R1994-07 & R1994-08) were written for the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of our participation in the World Bank Appraisal Missions to initiate two practical demonstration projects for ...