Now showing items 41-60 of 210

    • Implementing the Kyoto Protocol: The role of environmental agreements 

      Torvanger, Asbjørn; Skodvin, Tora (CICERO Report;1999:04, Research report, 1999)
      Voluntary agreements between an industry or a company and the government to regulate various environmental impacts is a popular policy tool in many OECD countries. Since the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol to the United ...
    • Sources of conflicts in climate policy within the EU: An economic analysis 

      Aaheim, H. Asbjørn; Froyn, Camilla Bretteville (CICERO Report;1999:03, Research report, 1999)
      This report is a part of a study of the potential for the EU to take on leadership in the climate negotiations. The aim of this part is to sort out factors that may explain the different economic interests in cutting ...
    • Skogtiltak mot klimaendringer: Oversikt og status etter fjerde partskonferanse til Klimakonvensjonen 

      Næss, Lars Otto (CICERO Report;1999:01, Research report, 1999)
      Hensikten med publikasjonen er å gi et en sammenfatning av spørsmål knyttet til tiltak i skogbruket for å motvirke globale klimaendringer. Hovedvekt er lagt på skogtiltak i klimaforhandlingene og teknisk karbonbindingspotensial. ...
    • Utslipp til luft fra oljeindustrien: Tiltak, kostnader og virkemidler 

      Dragsund, Egil; Aunan, Kristin; Godal, Odd; Haugom, Gerd Petra; Holtsmark, Bjart (CICERO Report;1999:02, Research report, 1999)
      Denne rapporten beskriver utviklingen i forurensende utslipp til luft fra oljeindustrien i Norge sammenlignet bidraget fra andre sektorer. Viktige tiltak som har bidratt til en reduksjon i utslippene per produsert enhet ...
    • The European Community and climate protection: What's behind the 'empty rhetoric'? 

      Ringius, Lasse (CICERO Report;1999:08, Research report, 1999)
      The EC has been hoping to play an environmental leadership role in the global climate negotiations and has been proposing comparatively stringent climate targets for the OECD countries. But especially the United States and ...
    • Kyotoprotokollen som rammeverk for et norsk system for omsettelige kvoter 

      Holtsmark, Bjart; Torvanger, Asbjørn (CICERO Report;1999:06, Research report, 1999)
      Denne rapporten behandler problemstillinger relatert til et norsk kvotemarked som er koplet til et internasjonalt kvotemarked under Kyotoprotokollen. Dette betyr ikke at vi tar det for gitt at Kyotoprotokollen noen gang ...
    • Economic impacts of climate change on tuna fisheries in Fiji Islands and Kiribati 

      Aaheim, H. Asbjørn; Sygna, Linda (CICERO Report;2000:04, Research report, 2000)
      This paper discusses the possible economic consequences of a change in the tuna fisheries in the Pacific Ocean resulting from climate change. On the background of Lehodey's (2000) study of potential changes in the tuna ...
    • Klimaendringer og klimapolitikk 

      Alfsen, Knut H.; Kolshus, Hans H.; Torvanger, Asbjørn (CICERO Report;2000:05, Research report, 2000)
      Klimaproblemet er en stor politisk og vitenskapelig utfordring av flere grunner: 1. Det er stor usikkerhet knyttet til flere sider av klimaproblemet, så som framtidige utslipp av klimagasser, klimasystemets respons på ...
    • From taxes to permits? The Norwegian climate policy debate 

      Froyn, Camilla Bretteville; Bang, Guri (CICERO Report;2000:06, Research report, 2000)
      Taxation as an instrument for environmental policy (green taxes) has been a topic of heated debate in Norway for almost 30 years. The subject of environmental taxes has time after time inflamed both policymakers and scholars ...
    • Climate change: Scientific background and process 

      Alfsen, Knut H.; Fuglestvedt, Jan S.; Seip, Hans Martin; Skodvin, Tora (CICERO Report;2000:01, Research report, 2000)
      The paper gives a brief description of natural and man-made forces behind climate change and outlines climate variations in the past together with a brief synopsis likely future impacts of anthropogenic emissions of ...
    • Is information enough? User responses to seasonal climate forecasts in Southern Africa 

      O'Brien, Karen; Sygna, Linda; Næss, Lars Otto; Kingamkono, Robert; Hochobeb, Ben (CICERO Report;2000:03, Research report, 2000)
      Since the mid-1980s, long-lead climate forecasts have been developed and used to predict the onset of El Niño events and their impact on climate variability. Advances in the observational and theoretical understanding of ...
    • Developing strategies for climate change: The UNEP country studies on climate change impacts and adaptations assessment 

      Unknown author (CICERO Report;2000:02, Research report, 2000)
      This report summarizes four country studies that were undertaken as part of the UNEP "Country Case Studies on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations Assessment." These studies, carried out in Antigua and Barbuda, Cameroon, ...
    • An evaluation of business implications of the Kyoto Protocol 

      Torvanger, Asbjørn (CICERO Report;2001:05, Research report, 2001)
      This report has been commissioned by Norsk Hydro ASA and written in November-December 2001. The aim of the report is to present and analyze the newest developments in the climate negotiations, particularly the seventh ...
    • The state of climate research and climate policy 

      Torvanger, Asbjørn; Alfsen, Knut H.; Kolshus, Hans H.; Sygna, Linda (CICERO Report;2001:02, Research report, 2001)
      The aim of the report is to give an overview of the state of climate research and international climate policy negotiations until May 2001. The report presents a collection of factual information based on reports from the ...
    • Virkninger av klimaendringer i Norge 

      Sygna, Linda; O'Brien, Karen (CICERO Report;2001:01, Research report, 2001)
      Denne rapporten oppsummerer et seminar arrangert av CICERO Senter for klimaforskning om ”Virkninger av klimaendringer”. Seminaret fant sted på Håndverkeren i Oslo, 30.- 31. oktober 2000. Bakgrunnen for seminaret er et ...
    • An analysis of the Bonn agreement: Background information for evaluating business implications 

      Torvanger, Asbjørn (CICERO Report;2001:03, Research report, 2001)
      This report has been commissioned by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and written in August 2001. The aim of the report is to present and analyze the newest developments in the climate negotiations, ...
    • Assessing metrics of climate change: Current methods and future possibilities 

      Fuglestvedt, Jan S.; Berntsen, Terje Koren; Godal, Odd; Sausen, Robert; Shine, Keith P.; Skodvin, Tora (CICERO Report;2001:04, Research report, 2001)
      With the principle of comprehensiveness embedded in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (Art. 3), a multi-gas abatement strategy with emphasis also on non-CO2 greenhouse gases as targets for reduction and control ...
    • Klimagasskvoter på sokkelen 

      Torvanger, Asbjørn; Godal, Odd; Kolshus, Hans H.; Aaheim, H. Asbjørn (CICERO Report;2002:01, Research report, 2002)
      Formålet med denne rapporten er å utrede fordeler og ulemper ved frivillig tilknytning til et kvotesystem for klimagasser på bedriftsnivå, og fordeler og ulemper knyttet til ulike allokeringsmekanismer for klimagasskvoter ...
    • Pro-Poor Climate Adaptation: Norwegian development cooperation and climate change adaptation - an assessment of issues, strategies and potential entry points 

      Eriksen, Siri E H; Næss, Lars Otto (CICERO Report;2003:02, Research report, 2003)
      This report reviews linkages between Norwegian development cooperation and climate change, with a focus on adaptation. It discusses key concepts, ongoing efforts and their relevance to Norwegian policies and strategies. ...
    • Air quality estimates in Taiyan, Shanxi Province, China 

      Mestl, Heidi Elizabeth Staff; Fang, Jinghua (CICERO Report;2003:01, Research report, 2003)
      In a previous cost-benefit analysis of local air quality improvements in Shanxi, a simple linear relationship between emissions and surface concentrations was assumed (Aunan et al., 2004). This study looks more closely at ...