Blar i CICERO Policy Notes på utgivelsesdato
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Joint implementation of commitments to curb climate change
(1991:02, Working paper, 1991) -
Betydningen av CF4 og C2F6 som klimagasser
(1991:01, Working paper, 1991) -
The Climate Convention: Criteria and guidelines for Joint Implementation
(1992:02, Working paper, 1992) -
Internasjonal klimautredning oppdatering 1992
(1992:01, Working paper, 1992) -
Klimagassene CF4 og C2F6 og deres betydning for det norske klimaregnskap
(1992:03, Working paper, 1992) -
A background study for NORAD's environmental action plan in Pakistan
(1992:05, Working paper, 1992) -
The climate issue: Present state of knowledge
(1992:04, Working paper, 1992) -
The ozone layer problem: Recent findings
(1992:07, Working paper, 1992) -
An assessment of the role of CF4 and C2F6 as greenhouse gases
(1992:06, Working paper, 1992) -
Effektiv klimapolitikk etter Rio
(1993:01, Working paper, 1993) -
Prerequisites for Joint Implementation projects under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
(1993:03, Working paper, 1993) -
Framtidige generasjonar i økonomiske analysar
(1993:02, Working paper, 1993) -
Oppdatering av verdier for "Global Warming Potentials (GWP)" i forbindelse med IPCC prosessen
(1994:02, Working paper, 1994) -
Some policy issues of greenhouse gas economics
(1994:01, Working paper, 1994)Note: The author of this report, Hans Gottinger, has been regrettably found guilty of several counts of plagiarism. While we have no definitive proof that this particular work has been plagiarized, we can no longer be ... -
Joint Implementation: A promising mechanism for all countries?
(1995:01, Working paper, 1995)The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change establishes no legal commitments for any of the Parties to reach specific targets of reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Although the Convention emphasizes the ... -
The ozone depletion problem
(1996:03, Working paper, 1996) -
Noen Sentrale konklusjoner i andre hovedrapport fra FNs klimapanel (IPPC 1995)
(1996:02, Working paper, 1996) -
Energy, climate and air pollution: What do we know and how should we act?
(1996:01, Working paper, 1996)- To arrive at the most cost-effective strategies to reduce emissions an integrated approach is necessary. This implies to carry out detailed analyses of harmful effects on human health, materials and the ecosystems. - ... -
Tradeable quotas for greenhouse gases: An option also in favor of the environment?
(1997:04, Working paper, 1997) -
IPCCs synteserapport: Norsk oversettelse med kortfattet oppsummering
(1997:02, Working paper, 1997)Dette er en oversettelse av synteserapporten fra den andre hovedrapporten til FNs klimapanel (IPCC). Synteserapporten drøfter vitenskapelig og faglig informasjon med relevans for fortolkning av Artikkel 2 i FNs rammekonvensjon ...