Blar i CICERO Policy Notes på tittel
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Physical modeling supporting a storyline approach
(CICERO Policy note;2019:01, Working paper, 2019)The concept of analyzing and communicating high-impact events in the climate change context via storylines has recently gained popularity in the climate modeling community. For instance, the use of case studies or storylines ... -
Prerequisites for Joint Implementation projects under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
(CICERO Policy Note;1993:03, Working paper, 1993) -
Rapport frå 8. Møte i Ad Hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate (AGBM), Bonn 22.-31. Oktober 1997
(CICERO Policy Note;1997:03, Working paper, 1997) -
Redusert oljeutvinning som klimatiltak: Faglige og politiske perspektiver
(CICERO Policy Note;2017:01, Working paper, 2017)Å regulere produksjonen av fossile energiressurser har fått økt oppmerksomhet i klimadebatten de siste årene. Mens klimapolitikken tradisjonelt har vært orientert mot å begrense etterspørselen etter kull, olje og gass, er ... -
Social and political barriers to green tax reform: The case of CO2-taxes in Norway
(CICERO Policy Note;1999:05, Working paper, 1999)In this paper, I present the story of several attempts to tax Norwegian mainland emission intensive industries during the 1990s. These industries, mainly made up of aluminium and ferro-alloy producers located in the Norwegian ... -
Some policy issues of greenhouse gas economics
(CICERO Policy Note;1994:01, Working paper, 1994)Note: The author of this report, Hans Gottinger, has been regrettably found guilty of several counts of plagiarism. While we have no definitive proof that this particular work has been plagiarized, we can no longer be ... -
SRES utslippsscenarier - En gjennomgang av bakgrunn, drivkrefter og resultater
(CICERO Policy Note;2000:02, Working paper, 2000)Den tredje arbeidsgruppen i FNs klimapanel (IPCC) fikk i 1996 oppgaven med å utvikle en spesialrapport om utslippsscenarier (Special Report on Emission Scenarios, SRES). Utslippsscenarier er beskrivelser av hvordan man ... -
Summary of the International workshop on “Effects of air pollution and climate extremes on agriculture and health in South Asia” - Integrating Climate Action with Air Action in Indian Cities
(CICERO Policy Note;2020:01, Working paper, 2020)The CiXPAG project co-organized a workshop in Delhi in November 2019, on the “Effects of air pollution and climate extremes on agriculture and health in South Asia”, together with local partners Society for Environment ... -
Sustaining Welfare for Future Generations. A Review Note on the Capital Approach to the Measurement of Sustainable Development
(CICERO Policy Note;2013:01, Working paper, 2013)The objective of this policy paper is twofold: -To present an update on an economic approach to measure sustainable development - the capital approach - and how this approach may be combined with the ecological approach ... -
The Climate Convention: Criteria and guidelines for Joint Implementation
(CICERO Policy Note;1992:02, Working paper, 1992) -
The climate issue: Present state of knowledge
(CICERO Policy Note;1992:04, Working paper, 1992) -
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): Outline of an assessment
(CICERO Policy Note;2010:01, Working paper, 2010) -
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and scientific consensus: How scientists come to say what they say about climate change
(CICERO Policy Note;1998:03, Working paper, 1998)In its Second Assessment Report (SAR) from 1995 the IPCC concluded that «The balance of evidence, from changes in global mean surface air temperature and from changes in geographical, seasonal and vertical patterns of ... -
The ozone depletion problem
(CICERO Policy Note;1996:03, Working paper, 1996) -
The ozone layer problem: Recent findings
(CICERO Policy Note;1992:07, Working paper, 1992) -
The state of the Kyoto Protocol negotiations: After the fourth UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP4) in Buenos Aires 2-13 November 1998
(CICERO Policy Note;1998:05, Working paper, 1998)The fourth Conference of the Parties (COP4) under the Climate Convention (UNFCCC) took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 2–13 November 1998. Summing up the conference, the main impression is that the climate process ... -
The use of PPP or MER in the construction of emission scenarios is more than a question of "metrics"
(CICERO Policy Note;2004:03, Working paper, 2004)The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES, IPCC, 2000) has been a matter of debate since Ian Castles and David Henderson claimed that the scenarios were based on ... -
Tradeable quotas for greenhouse gases: An option also in favor of the environment?
(CICERO Policy Note;1997:04, Working paper, 1997) -
United States participation in future climate agreements: An assessment
(CICERO Policy Note;2005:01, Working paper, 2005)The report identifies the major obstacles to U.S. participation in an international treaty to control greenhouse gas emissions, and suggests some possible strategies for reengaging the United States. It proceeds as follows: ... -
Virkemidler som virker i klimapolitikken? Om fleksible virkemidler og et nasjonalt kvotesystem
(CICERO Policy Note;1999:02, Working paper, 1999)Debatten om norsk virkemiddelbruk i klimapolitikken tok et stort steg framover sommeren 1998 med Stortingets vedtak om utredning og innføring av et nasjonalt kvotesystem. Spørsmålet om hvilke virkemidler vi skal bruke i ...