Viser treff 501-520 av 987

    • Observed and simulated temperature extremes during the recent warming hiatus 

      Sillmann, Jana; Donat, M. G.; Fyfe, J. C.; Zwiers, F. W. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      The discrepancy between recent observed and simulated trends in global mean surface temperature has provoked a debate about possible causes and implications for future climate change projections. However, little has been ...
    • Downscaling probability of long heatwaves based on seasonal mean daily maximum temperatures 

      Benestad, Rasmus; Oort, Bob van; Justino, Flavio; Stordal, Frode; Parding, Kajsa; Mezghani, Abdelkader; Erlandsen, Helene B.; Sillmann, Jana; Pereira-Flores, Milton E (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)
      A methodology for estimating and downscaling the probability associated with the duration of heatwaves is presented and applied as a case study for Indian wheat crops. These probability estimates make use of empirical-statistical ...
    • Synoptic and meteorological drivers of extreme ozone concentrations over Europe 

      Otero, Noelia; Sillmann, Jana; Schnell, Jordan; Rust, Henning W.; Butler, Tim (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      The present work assesses the relationship between local and synoptic meteorological conditions and surface ozone concentration over Europe in spring and summer months, during the period 1998–2012 using a new interpolated ...
    • Top ten European heatwaves since 1950 and their occurrence in the coming decades 

      Russo, Simone; Sillmann, Jana; Fischer, Erich M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      The Russian heatwave in 2010 killed tens of thousands of people, and was by far the worst event in Europe since at least 1950, according to recent studies and a novel universal heatwave index capturing both the duration ...
    • Hva kan Parisavtalen bety for Østfoldregionen? En utslippsanalyse 

      Aamaas, Borgar (CICERO Report;2019:07, Report, 2019-05)
      : Klima Østfold har gjennom Østfold Fylkeskommune gitt CICERO Senter for klimaforskning i oppdrag å analysere hva Parisavtalen kan bety for klimagassutslippene i Østfoldregionen og Østfolds kommuner. Et av hovedpunktene ...
    • ShareOn – midtveisrapport mai 2019 

      Westskog, Hege; Standal, Karina; Kallbekken, Steffen; Julsrud, Tom Erik; Aasen, Marianne; Wang, Lars; Aase, Tor Halfdan; Tellefsen, Sølvi (CICERO Report;2019:06, Report, 2019-04)
      ShareOn prosjektet er et samarbeidprosjekt hvor både forskningsmiljøer, offentlige aktører, næringsaktører og idedrevne (ideelle) organisasjoner deltar. Prosjektet er rettet mot å belyse deling som strategi i omstillingen ...
    • Klimagassutslipp fra norsk mat 

      Oort, Bob van; Holmelin, Nina (CICERO Report;2019:05, Report, 2019-04)
      Klimagassutslippene knyttet til mat er rapportert til å stå for omtrent 25% av de globale utslippene. Men hvor stor rolle spiller matrelaterte utslipp i Norge, i husholdninger og på nasjonalt nivå? Denne rapporten er ...
    • Physical climate risk: Investor needs and information gaps 

      Bruin, Karianne de; Romain, Hubert; Evain, Julie; Clapp, Christa; Dahl, Miriam Stackpole; Bolt, Jaclyn (CICERO Report;2019:03, Report, 2019-03-11)
      While investors are paying more attention to climate change, there is a lack of granular data designed to support financial decisions. Climate science can provide improved indicators and metrics to help investors better ...
    • Hva sier 1,5-gradersrapporten om lavutslippsomstilling for Vestfold? 

      Aamaas, Borgar; Jensen, Elisabeth Schøyen (CICERO Report;2019:02, Report, 2019-02)
      Vestfold fylkeskommune har gitt CICERO Senter for klimaforskning i oppdrag å sammenstille resultater og funn fra klimapanelets spesialrapport om 1,5 °C som kan være særlig relevant for fylkeskommunen og dens kommuners ...
    • Oppdatering av kunnskap om konsekvenser av klimaendringer i Norge 

      Aall, Carlo; Aamaas, Borgar; Aaheim, H. Asbjørn; Alnes, Kristina; Oort, Bob van; Dannevig, Halvor; Hønsi, Torunn (CICERO Report;2018:14, Research report, 2018)
      Formålet med denne rapporten er å sammenstille det eksisterende kunnskapsgrunnlaget om konsekvenser av klimaendringer for Norge. De følgende fire problemstillinger blir belyst med tanke på hvordan kunnskapsutviklingen har ...
    • Sustainable Edge: Exploring green shading for companies 

      Alnes, Kristina; Schiessl, Bernhard; Lund, Harald Francke; Berg, Alexander O.; Dahl, Miriam Stackpole; Clapp, Christa (CICERO Report;2019:01, Report, 2019-01-29)
      Despite the importance of finance in driving the green economic transition, it is not easy for investors to analyze the degree of sustainability and climate risk exposure of their portfolios – and to fully exploit the value ...
    • Near- and long-term global warming of current emissions 

      Lund, Marianne Tronstad; Stjern, Camilla Weum; Samset, Bjørn Hallvard; Aamaas, Borgar; Kallbekken, Steffen (CICERO Report;2018:15, Research report, 2018-11-05)
      Human activities influence the climate in a range of ways. While emissions of CO2 from burning of fossil fuels is the dominant factor behind the present rapid global warming, many other gases and particles also contribute. ...
    • Hva sier spesialrapporten om 1,5 °C om lavutslippsomstilling for Oslo? 

      Aamaas, Borgar; Jensen, Elisabeth Schøyen (CICERO Report;2018:13, Research report, 2018-11-19)
      Klimaetaten i Oslo kommune har gitt CICERO Senter for klimaforskning i oppdrag å sammenstille resultater og funn fra klimapanelets spesialrapport om 1,5 °C som kan være særlig relevant for Oslo kommunes klimaarbeid. Et av ...
    • Referansebane og framskrivning for Oslos klimagassutslipp mot 2030 

      Aamaas, Borgar; Korsbakken, Jan Ivar; Madslien, Anne (CICERO Report;2018:12, Research report, 2018-09-07)
      Klimaetaten i Oslo kommune har gitt CICERO og TØI i oppdrag om å utarbeide en referansebane for Oslos klimagassutslipp for perioden 2017 til 2030. Dette arbeidet er basert på best tilgjengelig kunnskap om de driverne som ...
    • CICERO MILESTONES 2018. A practitioner's perpective on the Green Bond Market 

      Alfsen, Knut H.; Alnes, Kristina; Berg, Alexander O.; Clapp, Christa; Dejonckheere, Sophie; Lund, Harald Francke; Schiessl, Bernhard; Torvanger, Asbjørn (CICERO Report;2018:11, Research report, 2018-09-07)
      Celebrating our 10th anniversary of providing second opinions, this report summarizes CICERO's approach and best practice application of our methodology. The green bond market has developed significantly since we assessed ...
    • Effektiv klimakommunikasjon -Trender og fakta 2018 

      Arnslett, Astrid; Bjørnæs, Christian; Lannoo, Elisabeth (CICERO Report;2018:09, Research report, 2018-08-14)
      Dersom vi skal klare å holde den globale oppvarmingen godt under 2°C og helst under 1,5°C slik Parisavtalen sier, så haster det å gjennomføre det grønne skriftet. Vi vet omtrentlig hva som må gjøres, og mye av politikken ...
    • Policy Entrepreneurship Curbed by Member State Preferences: DG Climate Action and the Effort Sharing Policy 

      Myhrer, Eirik Elvemo (CICERO Report;2018:10, Research report, 2018-07-11)
      Efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the European Union (EU) are divided between two sector overreaching policy frameworks, the Emissions Trading Scheme and the Effort Sharing policy. The Effort Sharing policy ...
    • The climate impacts of current black carbon and organic carbon emissions 

      Aamaas, Borgar; Lund, Marianne Tronstad; Myhre, Gunnar; Samset, Bjørn Hallvard; Stjern, Camilla Weum; Kallbekken, Steffen (CICERO Report;2018:08, Research report, 2018-06-20)
      In Part 1, we present a summary of recent research into the climate impact of black and organic carbon. There have been many developments on the research front in recent years, and this rapid pace is expected to continue. ...
    • Evaluating User Satisfaction with Climate Services in Tanzania 2014 - 2016: Summary Report to the Global Framework for Climate Services Adaptation Programme in Africa 

      West, Jennifer Joy; Daly, Meaghan; Yanda, Pius (CICERO Report;2018:07, Research report, 2018-06-07)
      This report summarizes findings from qualitative research undertaken by the Center for International Climate Research (CICERO) and the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) in Tanzania between 2014 and 2016 under the Global ...
    • Flomrisiko i Norge: Hvem betaler for framtidens våtere klima? 

      Alnes, Kristina; Berg, Alexander O.; Clapp, Christa; Lannoo, Elisabeth; Pillay, Kamleshan (CICERO Report;2018:06, Report, 2018-05-09)
      Norge er ett flomutsatt land og vi kan forvente oss mer flom i fremtiden. Som en følge av klimaendringer, vil mengden ekstrem nedbør øke og regnflommer vil bli større og komme oftere. Alle økonomiske sektorer kan bli ...