Now showing items 621-640 of 987

    • Global Carbon Budget 2016 

      Le Quéré, Corinne; Andrew, Robbie; Canadell, Josep G.; Sitch, Stephen; Korsbakken, Jan Ivar; Peters, Glen Philip; Manning, Andrew C; Boden, Thomas A; Tans, Pieter P; Houghton, Richard A; Keeling, Ralph F; Alin, Simone; Andrews, Oliver D; Anthoni, Peter; Barbero, Leticia; Bopp, Laurent; Chevallier, Frederic; Chini, Louise P; Ciais, Philippe; Currie, Kim; Delire, Christine; Doney, Scott C; Friedlingstein, Pierre; Gkritzalis, Thanos; Harris, Ian; Hauck, Judith; Haverd, Vanessa; Hoppema, Mario; Klein Goldewijk, Kees; Jain, Atul K; Kato, Etsushi; Körtzinger, Arne; Landschutzer, Peter; Lefevre, Nathalie; Lenton, Andrew; Lienert, Sebastian; Lombardozzi, Danica; Melton, Joe R; Metzl, Nicolas; Millero, Frank; Monteiro, Pedro M S; Munro, David R; Nabel, Julia E M S; Nakaoka, Shin-Ichiro; O'Brien, Kevin; Olsen, Are; Omar, Abdirahman; Pierrot, Denis; Ono, Tsuneo; Poulter, Benjamin; Rödenbeck, Christian; Salisbury, Joe; Schuster, Ute; Schwinger, Jörg; Seferian, Roland; Skjelvan, Ingunn; Stocker, Benjamin D; Sutton, Adrienne J; Takahashi, Taro; Tian, Hanqin; Tilbrook, Bronte; Van Der Laan-Luijkx, Ingrid T; Van Der Werf, Guido R; Viovy, Nicolas; Walker, Anthony P; Wiltshire, Andrew J; Zaehle, Sönke (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      Accurate assessment of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and their redistribution among the atmosphere, ocean, and terrestrial biosphere – the “global carbon budget” – is important to better understand the global ...
    • The Australian terrestrial carbon budget 

      Haverd, V.; Raupach, MR; Briggs, P.R.; Canadell, JG; Davis, S.J.; Law, R.M.; Meyer, C.P.; Peters, Glen Philip; Pickett-Heaps, C.; Sherman, B. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This paper reports a study of the full carbon (C-CO2) budget of the Australian continent, focussing on 1990–2011 in the context of estimates over two centuries. The work is a contribution to the RECCAP (REgional Carbon ...
    • Market and Non-market Policies for Renewable Energy Diffusion: A Unifying Framework and Empirical Evidence from China’s Wind Power Sector 

      Liu, Yang; Wei, Taoyuan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      We provide a comprehensive framework of analyzing the diffusion process of renewable technology, incorporating epidemic and pecuniary effects. Relying on a panel dataset consisting of information from 1207 CDM wind projects ...
    • Electricity consumption: should there be a limit? Implications of people’s attitudes for the forming of sustainable energy policies 

      Westskog, Hege; Winther, Tanja (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)
      The aim of this paper is to examine people’s attitudes towards electricity and electricity consumption within the Norwegian market context. The empirical material is based on 18 in-depth interviews and eight focus group ...
    • Norges klimamål for 2030. Fra global til europeisk kostnadseffektivitet 

      Christensen, Lina (CICERO Report;2017:04, Report, 2017)
      Fra Kyoto-protokollens ovenfra og ned-system, så man i oppløpet til Paris-toppmøtet i 2015 en dreining mot mer nasjonalt ansvar. Dette gjorde at de framtidige mulighetene for å kutte utslipp i utviklingsland, måten Norge ...
    • Erfaringer med støtteordninger til solcelleanlegg til husholdninger i Norge, utsteders perspektiver 

      Westskog, Hege; Aasen, Marianne (CICERO Policy Note;2017:02, Working paper, 2017)
      Til nå har det vært tre lokale støtteordninger for solceller til husholdninger i Norge i tillegg til den støtteordningen som administreres av Enova. Oslo, Hvaler og Fredrikstad kommuner har valgt å støtte installering av ...
    • Klimavalg 2017 

      Lahn, Bård; Torvanger, Asbjørn (CICERO Report;2017:03, Research report, 2017)
      Høsten 2016 fikk CICERO midler fra Norges Forskningsråd for å utvikle en rapport inn mot valget 2017. Etter samtaler med ulike aktører innen politikk, media, organisasjoner og forskning ble det valgt ut fire områder denne ...
    • Poland’s renewable energy policy mix: European influence and domestic soap opera 

      Szulecki, Kacper (CICERO Working paper;2017:01, Working paper, 2017)
      Poland’s energy mix is dominated by indigenous coal, and since the country joined the European Union in 2004 it has been clear that it will do much to safeguard its domestic coal sector and resist pressures for ambitious ...
    • Mobilizing Adaptation Finance in Developing Countries 

      Pillay, Kamleshan; Aakre, Stine; Torvanger, Asbjørn (CICERO Report;2017:02, Research report, 2017-03-23)
      More funding is needed for adaptation to climate change, particularly in developing countries. Mobilization of adaptation finance is difficult due to uncertainties related to frequency, severity and geographical spread of ...
    • Redusert oljeutvinning som klimatiltak: Faglige og politiske perspektiver 

      Lahn, Bård (CICERO Policy Note;2017:01, Working paper, 2017)
      Å regulere produksjonen av fossile energiressurser har fått økt oppmerksomhet i klimadebatten de siste årene. Mens klimapolitikken tradisjonelt har vært orientert mot å begrense etterspørselen etter kull, olje og gass, er ...
    • Shades of Climate Risk. Categorizing climate risk for investors 

      Clapp, Christa; Lund, Harald Francke; Aamaas, Borgar; Lannoo, Elisabeth (CICERO Report;2017:01, Research report, 2017)
      Taking a starting point in the latest climate science, this report categorizes climate change risk according to timeframe and probability by region and highlights risks that require immediate attention from investors. ...
    • Health benefits from reducing PM2.5 pollution in Hebei, China 

      Aunan, Kristin; Skeie, Ragnhild Bieltvedt (CICERO Report;2016:10, Research report, 2016)
    • Visjoner av lavkarbon Norge 

      Torvanger, Asbjørn; Bjørnæs, Christian; Lund, Harald Francke; Oort, Bob van (CICERO Report;2016:09, Research report, 2016)
      Vi har utviklet visjoner av Norge i 2050 som et lavkarbon og klimarobust samfunn, basert på innspill fra en referansegruppe fra næringsliv, organisasjoner, myndigheter, forskningsmiljø og miljøorganisasjoner. De viktigste ...
    • Instruments to incentivize private climate finance for developing countries 

      Torvanger, Asbjørn; Narbel, Patrick; Pillay, Kamleshan; Clapp, Christa (CICERO Report;2016:08, Research report, 2016)
      Multiple financial instruments are available to de-risk or reduce costs related to climate mitigation measures and projects in developing countries. The financial instruments can be divided into the categories: revenue ...
    • Luftfart og klima - En oppdatert oversikt over status for forskning på klimaeffekter av utslipp fra fly 

      Lund, Marianne Tronstad; Aamaas, Borgar; Berntsen, Terje Koren; Fuglestvedt, Jan S. (CICERO Report;2016:05, Research report, 2016)
      Denne rapporten gir en oppdatert oversikt over hvordan og i hvilken grad de ulike utslippene fra flytrafikk påvirker klima basert på den nyeste forskningen. For å forstå den totale klimaeffekten av luftfart er det viktig ...
    • Klimapolitikken i Norden - En sammenligning av mål og virkemidler i de nordiske landene 

      Lahn, Bård; Leiren, Merethe Dotterud (CICERO Report;2016:07, Research report, 2016)
      Rapporten sammenligner klimapolitikken i Danmark, Finland, Island, Norge og Sverige. Hovedvekten er lagt på landenes klimamål, overordnet lovverk og sentral virkemiddelbruk. Det gis også en mer dyptgående beskrivelse av ...
    • Climate Footprints of Norwegian Dairy and Meat - a Synthesis 

      Oort, Bob van; Andrew, Robbie (CICERO Report;2016:06, Research report, 2016)
      This report reviews the current literature on meat, milk and dairy, with a special focus on Norway. To understand differences in reported emissions, the report explains the variation in methodological approaches such as ...
    • What’s Fair – and Why? An Empirical Analysis of Distributive Fairness in the Climate Negotiations 

      Tørstad, Vegard H. (CICERO Report;2016:04, Research report, 2016)
      In the climate negotiations, conceptions of fairness plays an important role. For a climate agreement to be effective and durable, it must be conceived as fair by as many of its parties as possible. Unfortunately, there ...
    • Green Bonds and Environmental Integrity: Insights from CICERO Second Opinions 

      Clapp, Christa; Alfsen, Knut H.; Lund, Harald Francke; Pillay, Kamleshan (CICERO Policy Note;2016:01, Working paper, 2016)
      This policy note shares insights from CICERO's experience in producing over 60 second opinions. Insights on the environmental integrity of green bonds include: 1) Management that is aligned for climate risk can give greater ...
    • Norway’s role in supporting green growth in developing countries 

      Torvanger, Asbjørn; Pillay, Kamleshan (CICERO Report;2016:03, Others, 2016)
      This report discusses green growth in developing countries, and Norway's role supporting such a green development strategy. After defining green growth in the context of developing countries, the report discusses indicators ...