Now showing items 141-160 of 987

    • Strømkunders oppfatninger om ny nettleiemodell: rettferdighet og fleksibilitet 

      Vindegg, Mikkel; Sundet, Øyvind; Winther, Tanja (CICERO Report;2023:02, Report, 2023-03)
      Rapporten oppsummerer funn fra kvalitative undersøkelser knyttet til kunders oppfatninger om ny nettleiemodell for strøm i Norge. Samlet viser resultatene at mange av kundene har en viss grad av bekymring for at den nye ...
    • Virkemidler for klimatiltak i jordbruket i andre land 

      van Oort, Bob; Skagen, Katrine (CICERO Report;2023:01, Report, 2023-01)
      På oppdrag fra Miljødirektoratet analyseres nasjonale virkemidler som støtter klimatiltak i jordbruket og matsystemet i seks land som er sammenlignbare med Norge: Danmark; Sverige; Finland; Nederland; Østerrike; Sveits. ...
    • Klimakur vs. klimaku: En retorisk dokumentanalyse av kostholdstiltaket i Klimakur 2030 

      Hidle, Charlotte (CICERO Report;2022:10, Report, 2022-09)
      Januar 2020 la Miljødirektoratet frem rapporten Klimakur 2030 med 60 tiltak som samlet skal kunne kutte Norges klimagassutslipp i tråd med forpliktelsene over Parisavtalen og EUs klimaregelverk. Det «billigste» og mest ...
    • Referansebane for klimagassutslipp i Oslo fram til 2030 

      Korsbakken, Jan Ivar; Romundstad, Reidun Marie; Madslien, Anne (CICERO Report;2022:06, Report, 2022-03)
      CICERO Senter for klimaforskning og Transportøkonomisk institutt (TØI) har utarbeidet en referansebane for klimagassutslipp i Oslo kommune fram til 2030 og en beregningsmodell for videre analyser av utslipp og mulige ...
    • EUs grønne giv: Status etter sommeren 2022 og mulige implikasjoner for Norge 

      Farstad, Fay Madeleine (CICERO Report;2022:09, Report, 2022-09)
      Klimaregelverket er en sentral del av EUs grønne giv og klima- og energipakken ‘Fit for 55’. En 2021-rapport fra CICERO mfl. analyserte Europakommisjonens (kommisjonens) foreslåtte endringer av klimaregelverket og mulige ...
    • Economic costs of heat-induced reductions in worker productivity due to global warming 

      Orlov, Anton; Sillmann, Jana; Aunan, Kristin; Kjellström, Tord E.; Aaheim, Hans Asbjørn (Journal article, 2020)
      We assess economic costs of heat-induced reductions in worker productivity at global scale under RCP2.6 and RCP8.5. Losses in worker productivity are calculated by using an empirically estimated epidemiological exposure-response ...
    • Land–atmosphere interactions in sub-polar and alpine climates in the CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study Land Use and Climate Across Scales (LUCAS) models – Part 2: The role of changing vegetation 

      Mooney, Priscilla A.; Rechid, Diana; Davin, Edouard L.; Katragkou, Eleni; de Noblet-Ducoudré, Nathalie; Breil, Marcus; Cardosa, Rita M.; Daloz, Anne Sophie; Hoffmann, Peter; Lima, Daniela; Meier, R.; Soares, Pedro M.M.; Sofiadis, Giannis; Strada, Susanna; Strandberg, Gustav; Toelle, Merja; Lund, Marianne Tronstad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Land cover in sub-polar and alpine regions of northern and eastern Europe have already begun changing due to natural and anthropogenic changes such as afforestation. This will impact the regional climate and hydrology upon ...
    • Top-down or bottom-up? Norwegian climate mitigation policy as a contested hybrid of policy approaches 

      Hermansen, Erlend Andre T.; Sundqvist, Göran (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      It is widely accepted that the Paris Agreement implies a shift in global climate mitigation policy from a top-down approach focused on global distribution of emission cuts and international cost-effectiveness to a bottom-up ...
    • A void in Central Asia research: climate change 

      Vakulchuk, Roman; Daloz, Anne Sophie; Øverland, Indra; Sagbakken, Haakon Fossum; Standal, Karina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      This article assesses the extent to which the academic community engaged with climate change in Central Asia between 1991 and 2021. The article finds that climate change has been neglected in the field of Central Asia area ...
    • Lessons from COVID-19 for managing transboundary climate risks and building resilience 

      Ringsmuth, Andrew K.; Otto, Ilona M.; van den Hurk, Bart; Lahn, Glada; Reyer, Christopher P.O.; Carter, Timothy R.; Magnuszewski, Piotr; Monasterolo, Irene; Aerts, Jeroen C.J.H.; Benzie, Magnus; Campiglio, Emanuele; Fronzek, Stefan; Gaupp, Franziska; Jarzabek, Lukasz; Klein, Richard J.T.; Knaepen, Hanne; Mechler, Reinhard; Mysiak, Jaroslav; Sillmann, Jana; Stuparu, Dana; West, Chris (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      COVID-19 has revealed how challenging it is to manage global, systemic and compounding crises. Like COVID-19, climate change impacts, and maladaptive responses to them, have potential to disrupt societies at multiple scales ...
    • Modeling the Joint Effects of Vegetation Characteristics and Soil Properties on Ecosystem Dynamics in a Panama Tropical Forest 

      Cheng, Yanyan; Leung, L. Ruby; Huang, Maoyi; Koven, Charles; Detto, Matteo; Knox, Ryan; Bisht, Gautam; Bretfeld, Mario; Fisher, Rosie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      In tropical forests, both vegetation characteristics and soil properties are important not only for controlling energy, water, and gas exchanges directly but also determining the competition among species, successional ...
    • Elevation dependent precipitation and temperature changes over Indian Himalayan region 

      Dimri, A.P.; Palazzi, E.; Daloz, Anne Sophie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Various studies reported an elevation dependent precipitation and temperature changes in mountainous regions of the world including the Himalayas. Various mechanisms are proposed to link the possible dependence of the ...
    • Methane and the Paris Agreement temperature goals 

      Cain, Michelle; Jenkins, Stuart; Allen, Myles R.; Lynch, John; Frame, David J.; MacEy, Adrian H.; Peters, Glen Philip (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Meeting the Paris Agreement temperature goal necessitates limiting methane (CH4)-induced warming, in addition to achieving net-zero or (net-negative) carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. In our model, for the median 1.5°C ...
    • Perspectives on tipping points in integrated models of the natural and human Earth system: Cascading effects and telecoupling 

      Franzke, Christian L. E.; Ciullo, Alessio; Gilmore, Elisabeth A.; Matias, Denise Margaret; Nagabhatla, Nidhi; Orlov, Anton; Paterson, Shona K.; Scheffran, Jürgen; Sillmann, Jana (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The Earth system and the human system are intrinsically linked. Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions have led to the climate crisis, which is causing unprecedented extreme events and could trigger Earth system tipping ...
    • Changes in temporal inequality of precipitation extremes over China due to anthropogenic forcings 

      Duan, Weili; Zou, Shan; Christidis, Nikolaos; Schaller, Nathalie; Chen, Yaning; Sahu, Netrananda; Li, Zhi; Fang, Gonghuan; Zhou, Botao (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Based on the Gini-coefficients, this study has presented an analysis of the impacts of anthropogenic forcing on the temporal inequality (i.e., increase in unevenness or disparity) of precipitation amounts (PRCPTOT), intensity ...
    • Future urban heat island influence on precipitation 

      Steensen, Birthe Marie Rødssæteren; Marelle-Sebrechts, Louis; Hodnebrog, Øivind; Myhre, Gunnar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Urbanization and global warming are two of the major human impacts on the environment. The Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect can change precipitation patterns. Global warming also leads to changes in precipitation and especially ...
    • Enhanced Terrestrial Carbon Export From East Antarctica During the Early Eocene 

      Inglis, Gordon N.; Toney, Jaime L.; Zhu, Jiang; Poulsen, Christopher J.; Röhl, Ursula; Jamieson, Stewart S. R.; Pross, Jörg; Cramwinckel, Margot J.; Srinath, Krishnan; Pagani, Mark; Bijl, Peter K.; Bendle, James (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Terrestrial organic carbon (TerrOC) acts as an important CO2 sink when transported via rivers to the ocean and sequestered in coastal marine sediments. This mechanism might help to modulate atmospheric CO2 levels over ...
    • Balancing cost and justice concerns in the energy transition: comparing coal phase-out policies in Germany and the UK 

      Bang, Guri; Rosendahl, Knut Einar; Böhringer, Christoph (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Europe’s two largest economies – Germany and the UK – are phasing out coal from electricity production as part of European efforts to fulfil increased climate policy ambitions that require comprehensive energy system ...
    • African heritage sites threatened as sea-level rise accelerates 

      Vousdoukas, Michalis I.; Clarke, Joanne; Ranasinghe, Roshanka; Reimann, Lena; Khalaf, Nadia; Duong, Trang Minh; Ouweneel, Birgitt; Sabour, Salma; Iles, Carley Elizabeth; Trisos, Christopher H.; Feyen, Luc; Mentaschi, Lorenzo; Simpson, Nicholas P. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The African coast contains heritage sites of ‘Outstanding Universal Value’ that face increasing risk from anthropogenic climate change. Here, we generated a database of 213 natural and 71 cultural African heritage sites ...
    • The transformative potential of local-level planning and climate policies. Case studies from Norwegian municipalities 

      Westskog, Hege; Aarsæther, Nils Johan; Hovelsrud, Grete K.; Amundsen, Helene; West, Jennifer Joy; Dale, Ragnhild Freng (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      We analyse whether and how current municipal climate policies can be characterised as transformative and which factors and pathways may lead to transformative change at the municipal level. Based on 13 in-depth case studies ...