Browsing CICERO Research Archive by Author "Næss, Lars Otto"
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Climate change and environmental assessments: Issues in an African perspective
Dalfelt, Arne; Næss, Lars Otto (1997:02, Working paper, 1997)The present study discusses the potential for integrating climate change issues into environmental assessments (EAs) of development actions, with emphasis on sub-Sahara Africa. The study is motivated by the fact that future ... -
Climate change in Norway: Analysis of economic and social impacts and adaptations
Sygna, Linda; Eriksen, Siri E H; O'Brien, Karen; Næss, Lars Otto (2004:12, Research report, 2004)In this report, we review the findings from a number of studies carried out between 2000 and 2004 in order to shed light on the likely socioeconomic impacts of climate change in Norway. These studies have been aimed at: ... -
Climate strategy for Africa
Hernes, Helga; Dalfelt, Arne; Berntsen, Terje Koren; Holtsmark, Bjart; Næss, Lars Otto; Selrod, Rolf; Aaheim, H. Asbjørn (1995:03, Research report, 1995)1. General observations Africa south of the Sahara is probably the most vulnerable region when it comes to the impact and consequences of climate changes. Yet the African continent runs a serious risk of being marginalized ... -
Feasibility study on: Reforestation of degraded grasslands in Indonesia as a climate change mitigation option
Dalfelt, Arne; Næss, Lars Otto; Sutamihardja, R. T. M.; Gintings, Ngaloken (1996:05, Research report, 1996)Deforestation and changes in land use in the tropics contribute a significant share of the anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases, of which the most important is carbon dioxide (CO2). Increasing the uptake and storage ... -
Forstudie til klimatilpasningsstrategi for Norge
Næss, Lars Otto; Prestrud, Pål; O'Brien, Karen; Alfsen, Knut H. (2004:11, Research report, 2004)Det pågår en global oppvarming som kan komme til å få betydelige konsekvenser for det norske samfunn og for norsk natur. Selv om det foreligger en del kunnskap om effekter av klimaendringer, er denne i stor grad fragmentert, ... -
Is information enough? User responses to seasonal climate forecasts in Southern Africa
O'Brien, Karen; Sygna, Linda; Næss, Lars Otto; Kingamkono, Robert; Hochobeb, Ben (2000:03, Research report, 2000)Since the mid-1980s, long-lead climate forecasts have been developed and used to predict the onset of El Niño events and their impact on climate variability. Advances in the observational and theoretical understanding of ... -
Muligheter og betingelser for felles gjennomføring etter Kyoto
Ringius, Lasse; Næss, Lars Otto; Torvanger, Asbjørn (1998:02, Research report, 1998)Denne rapporten vurderer konsekvensene av Kyoto-protokollen for prosjekter om såkalt felles gjennomføring (FG, på engelsk: Joint Implementation – JI). Dette er prosjekter der aktører fra ett land finansierer tiltak som gir ... -
Pro-Poor Climate Adaptation: Norwegian development cooperation and climate change adaptation - an assessment of issues, strategies and potential entry points
Eriksen, Siri E H; Næss, Lars Otto (2003:02, Research report, 2003)This report reviews linkages between Norwegian development cooperation and climate change, with a focus on adaptation. It discusses key concepts, ongoing efforts and their relevance to Norwegian policies and strategies. ... -
Reforestation and climate change mitigation: A background study for Joint Implementation in China and Indonesia
Gan, Lin; Næss, Lars Otto; Kasa, Sjur; O'Brien, Karen (1998:03, Research report, 1998)This paper discusses the importance of institutional barriers in promoting reforestation as a means of mitigating global climate change. It is argued that cost-effective implementation of reforestation depends on proper ... -
Skogtiltak mot klimaendringer: Oversikt og status etter fjerde partskonferanse til Klimakonvensjonen
Næss, Lars Otto (1999:01, Research report, 1999)Hensikten med publikasjonen er å gi et en sammenfatning av spørsmål knyttet til tiltak i skogbruket for å motvirke globale klimaendringer. Hovedvekt er lagt på skogtiltak i klimaforhandlingene og teknisk karbonbindingspotensial. ...