Browsing CICERO Research Archive by Author "Alfsen, Knut H."
Now showing items 1-20 of 30
A Comment on the Copenhagen Accord- Feasibility and Cost
Glomsrød, Solveig; Wei, Taoyuan; Alfsen, Knut H. (CICERO Working Paper;2011:03, Working paper, 2011)The Copenhagen Accord has been followed up by national pledges of greenhouse gas emissions reductions in the year 2020 without specifying measures to enforce actions. As a consequence, the capacity of parties to fulfil ... -
A Kantian approach to a sustainable development indicator for climate
Greaker, Mads; Stoknes, Per Espen; Alfsen, Knut H.; Ericson, Torgeir (CICERO Working Paper;2012:02, Working paper, 2012)How can the informed citizen know if the government is implementing a good-enough climate change policy? Most developed democracies have their own set of indicators for sustainable development, including indicators for ... -
An efficient and accurate carbon cycle model for use in simple climate models
Alfsen, Knut H.; Berntsen, Terje Koren (CICERO Working Paper;1999:01, Working paper, 1999)The aim of this publication is to document a simple model of the atmospheric CO2 concentration based on exogenous input of anthropogenic emission of CO2 and taking air-sea exchange and biospheric responses into account. ... -
CICERO MILESTONES 2018. A practitioner's perpective on the Green Bond Market
Alfsen, Knut H.; Alnes, Kristina; Berg, Alexander O.; Clapp, Christa; Dejonckheere, Sophie; Lund, Harald Francke; Schiessl, Bernhard; Torvanger, Asbjørn (CICERO Report;2018:11, Research report, 2018-09-07)Celebrating our 10th anniversary of providing second opinions, this report summarizes CICERO's approach and best practice application of our methodology. The green bond market has developed significantly since we assessed ... -
Climate assessments of six key Norwegian sectors
Alnes, Kristina; Sælen, Håkon; Lund, Harald Francke; Lahn, Bård; Eine, Kristin; Alfsen, Knut H.; Schiessl, Bernhard (CICERO Report;2021:02, Report, 2021-02)The Sustainable Edge sector briefs summarize material climate-related risks and impacts to investors and lenders. The briefs cover key risks, emission sources, risk management and climate-related regulation relevant for ... -
Climate change and sustainability in Europe
Alfsen, Knut H. (CICERO Policy Note;2001:03, Working paper, 2001)This paper discusses the climate history of the Earth, exploring some of the driving forces of climate change along the way. It points out that it may not be the gradual increase in global mean temperature that we have to ... -
Climate change: Scientific background and process
Alfsen, Knut H.; Fuglestvedt, Jan S.; Seip, Hans Martin; Skodvin, Tora (CICERO Report;2000:01, Research report, 2000)The paper gives a brief description of natural and man-made forces behind climate change and outlines climate variations in the past together with a brief synopsis likely future impacts of anthropogenic emissions of ... -
Climate change: Some elements from the scientific background and the scientific process
Alfsen, Knut H.; Fuglestvedt, Jan S.; Skodvin, Tora (CICERO Working Paper;1998:11, Working paper, 1998)Concluding remarks: On the nature of the climate problem The problem of climate change is not, despite popular conception, mainly a problem of increased global average temperature. The seriousness of the problem is more ... -
Coordination of flexible instruments in climate policy
Holtsmark, Bjart; Alfsen, Knut H. (CICERO Report;1998:04, Research report, 1998)The Kyoto Protocol must be the starting point for the choice of domestic climate policy instruments. It is so far uncertain whether the required number of Parties will ratify the Protocol for the Protocol to enter into ... -
Elements for an Agreement on Climate and Energy Technology Development (ACT!)
Alfsen, Knut H.; Eskeland, Gunnar S.; Dovland, Harald (CICERO Policy Note;2008:01, Working paper, 2008) -
Et nasjonalt kvotesystem for klimagasser: Koplingen til internasjonale mekanismer
Alfsen, Knut H. (CICERO Policy Note;1999:03, Working paper, 1999)-Kyotomekanismene gir muligheter for en kostnadseffektiv implementering av målene i Kyotoprotokollen. -Et naturlig utgangspunkt er at alle private aktører tillates å bruke Kyotomekanismene. -Det synes ikke sannsynlig at ... -
Flexible instruments in climate policy
Alfsen, Knut H. (CICERO Policy Note;1999:01, Working paper, 1999)The presentation covers three main themes:Flexible mechanisms and cost effectiveness. Taxes vs. emission quotas: Some lessons from Norway. Some issues related to the construction of a national emission trading regime. -
Forstudie til klimatilpasningsstrategi for Norge
Næss, Lars Otto; Prestrud, Pål; O'Brien, Karen; Alfsen, Knut H. (CICERO Report;2004:11, Research report, 2004)Det pågår en global oppvarming som kan komme til å få betydelige konsekvenser for det norske samfunn og for norsk natur. Selv om det foreligger en del kunnskap om effekter av klimaendringer, er denne i stor grad fragmentert, ... -
Framtidige krav til klimagassutslipp: Mulige langsiktige utslippsforpliktelser for Norge
Alfsen, Knut H. (CICERO Policy Note;1998:01, Working paper, 1998) -
From confrontation to cooperation. A developed country perspective on the role of developing countries' contribution to technology development and transfer
Alfsen, Knut H.; Innbjør, Linda; Vennemo, Haakon (CICERO Report;2009:07, Research report, 2009) -
Green Bonds and Environmental Integrity: Insights from CICERO Second Opinions
Clapp, Christa; Alfsen, Knut H.; Lund, Harald Francke; Pillay, Kamleshan (CICERO Policy Note;2016:01, Working paper, 2016)This policy note shares insights from CICERO's experience in producing over 60 second opinions. Insights on the environmental integrity of green bonds include: 1) Management that is aligned for climate risk can give greater ... -
Kjøp og salg av klimagasskvoter: Noen mulige konsekvenser av Kyoto-protokollen
Alfsen, Knut H.; Holtsmark, Bjart; Torvanger, Asbjørn (CICERO Working Paper;1998:02, Working paper, 1998) -
Klimaendringer og klimapolitikk
Alfsen, Knut H.; Kolshus, Hans H.; Torvanger, Asbjørn (CICERO Report;2000:05, Research report, 2000)Klimaproblemet er en stor politisk og vitenskapelig utfordring av flere grunner: 1. Det er stor usikkerhet knyttet til flere sider av klimaproblemet, så som framtidige utslipp av klimagasser, klimasystemets respons på ... -
Klimaet er i endring!
Alfsen, Knut H. (CICERO Policy Note;2001:02, Working paper, 2001)FNs klimapanel (IPCC) ferdigstilte i 2001 sin tredje hovedrapport. En sentral konklusjon er at vi kan vente fortsatte klimaendringer de nærmeste tiårene selv hvis det gjøres en betydelig innsats for å begrense utslippene ... -
Kyoto-avtalen: Hva kan Norge gjøre?
Alfsen, Knut H. (CICERO Working Paper;1998:01, Working paper, 1998)