Blar i CICERO Research Archive på utgivelsesdato
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(1992:2, Others, 1992-12-11) -
Effects of reductions in stratospheric ozone on tropospheric chemistry through changes in photolysis rates
(1993:05, Research report, 1993)The observed reductions in stratospheric ozone since the late 1970s are likely to have affected the penetration of UV radiation into the troposphere. We have examined the sensitivity and the response of the tropospheric ... -
Study to develop practical guidelines for "Joint Implementation" under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
(1993:02, Research report, 1993)In December 1991, the OECD Environment and Development Ministers directed OECD "to initiate work on mechanisms to facilitate joint implementation, in a cost effective manner, of commitments on greenhouse gases." This report ... -
Efficient contracts in a game of nations pursuing greenhouse gas emissions abatement
(1993:03, Working paper, 1993) -
Environmental reforms in Brazilian Amazonia under Collor and Sarney: Explaining some contrasts
(1993:06, Working paper, 1993) -
The development of environmental policy-making in Hungary: The role of the EC
(1993:02, Working paper, 1993) -
Biological effects of climate change: An introduction to the field and a survey of current research
(1993:03, Research report, 1993)This report presents a survey of international (Chapter 2) as well as national research activities within 13 selected countries (Chapter 3) in the field of biological effects of climate change. In addition, a brief overview ... -
Responses in tropospheric O3, OH and CH4 to changed emissions of important trace gases
(1993:04, Research report, 1993)A two-dimensional (altitude vs. latitude) photochemical/transport model of the global troposphere is applied to study the effects of changed emissions of NOx, CH4, CO2 and NMHC on the levels of O3, OH and CH4. On a mass ... -
Effektiv klimapolitikk etter Rio
(1993:01, Working paper, 1993) -
Now you see it now you don't: Expose and critique of approaches to the study of European integration
(1993:07, Working paper, 1993) -
Uncertain climate change in an intergenerational planning model
(1993:01, Working paper, 1993) -
Choosing regulatory options when environmental costs are uncertain
(1993:05, Working paper, 1993)_________________________________________________________ The author of this report, Hans Gottinger, has been regrettably found guilty of several counts of plagiarism. While we have no definitive proof that this particular ... -
Prerequisites for Joint Implementation projects under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
(1993:03, Working paper, 1993) -
A review of country studies on climate change
(1993:01, Research report, 1993)Country studies are important instruments for determining national climate policies and adding to the global knowledge on climate issues. They are, however, also the basis for examining the obligations of the Parties under ... -
Pollution, technology transfer and sustainable growth
(1993:11, Working paper, 1993)_________________________________________________________ The author of this report, Hans Gottinger, has been regrettably found guilty of several counts of plagiarism. While we have no definitive proof that this particular ... -
A model framework for ranking of measures to reduce air pollution with a focus on damage assessment
(1993:12, Working paper, 1993)Artikkelen diskuterer hvilke egenskaper som er viktige for beslutningsstøtteverktøy som er ment å være til hjelp ved rangering av utslippsreduserende tiltak mot luftforurensninger. De forskjellige utslippene i forbindelse ... -
Optimal energy economics under global environmental constraints
(1993:09, Working paper, 1993)_________________________________________________________ The author of this report, Hans Gottinger, has been regrettably found guilty of several counts of plagiarism. While we have no definitive proof that this particular ... -
Efficient incomplete international climate agreements
(1993:04, Working paper, 1993) -
Sources of energy and the environment
(1993:08, Working paper, 1993) -
Cost efficient climate policy in a small country
(1993:10, Working paper, 1993)