Browsing CICERO Research Archive by Author "Torvanger, Asbjørn"
Now showing items 21-40 of 71
Climate effects of large-scale carbon capture and storage for coal-fired power
Torvanger, Asbjørn; Skeie, Ragnhild Bieltvedt (2009:08, Research report, 2009) -
Climate policy beyond 2012: A survey of long-term targets and future frameworks
Torvanger, Asbjørn; Twena, Michelle; Vevatne, Jonas (2004:02, Research report, 2004)This report is based on a comprehensive and structured literature review of key issues associated with long-term goals for climate policy, and to the framework for implementing climate policy. The study provides a basis ... -
Climate policy futures, energy markets, and technology: Implications for Norway
Kolshus, Hans H.; Torvanger, Asbjørn; Malvik, Henrik (2000:09, Working paper, 2000)This paper is part of the joint CICERO and Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI) project “Towards a cost-effective climate policy: The international framework and Norwegian policy framework” (“Mot en effektiv klimapolitikk: ... -
Climate regulation of ships
Torvanger, Asbjørn; Bogstrand, Bjørg; Skeie, Ragnhild Bieltvedt; Fuglestvedt, Jan S. (2007:07, Research report, 2007)This report gives an overview of five possible regulation schemes for carbon dioxide emissions from international shipping. The strengths and weaknesses of the schemes are compared with regard to nine criteria. The two ... -
Climate science for the financial sector: Managing climate risk in Norway and Sweden
Torvanger, Asbjørn; Alnes, Kristina; Berg, Alexander O.; Marginean, Iulia (2019:15, Research report, 2019-10)The financial sector must prepare for a higher risk level associated with climate change impacts affecting real estate and infrastructure, as well as climate policies that will impact risk and returns from investments in ... -
Comprehensive assessment of CCS chains–Consistent and transparent methodology
Jakobsen, Jana Poplsteinova; Brunsvold, Amy; Husebye, Jo; Hognes, Erik Skontorp; Myhrvold, Tore; Friis-Hansen, P.; Hektor, E A; Torvanger, Asbjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)Through combining insights from engineering, natural sciences, economics, and political science, one consistent, transparent, and comprehensive analytical framework for assessing and evaluating various CCS chains is ... -
Effektiv klimapolitikk etter Rio
Torvanger, Asbjørn (1993:01, Working paper, 1993) -
Efficient contracts in a game of nations pursuing greenhouse gas emissions abatement
Torvanger, Asbjørn (1993:03, Working paper, 1993) -
Estimating mobilized private climate finance for developing countries - A Norwegian pilot study
Torvanger, Asbjørn; Narbel, Patrick; Lund, Harald Francke (2015:04, Research report, 2015)The point of departure for this study is the available data in Norway on climate finance for developing countries. The bottleneck in tracking mobilized private climate finance is availability and quality of data. The main ... -
Exploring distribution of commitments: A follow-up to the Berlin Mandate
Torvanger, Asbjørn; Berntsen, Terje Koren; Fuglestvedt, Jan S.; Holtsmark, Bjart; Ringius, Lasse; Aaheim, H. Asbjørn (1996:03, Research report, 1996)The study reviews and analyzes some major issues that must be considered when defining principles for distributing commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for countries belonging to the Organization for Economic ... -
Forest-based bioenergy in Norway’s green transition: Balancing production and other societal interests
Torvanger, Asbjørn (2021:09, Research report, 2021-12)This report explores the potential of bioenergy from forests to contribute to the green transition of society. Forest biomass is the largest potential bioenergy source in Norway, in the form of firewood, chips for heating, ... -
Framtidige generasjonar i økonomiske analysar
Torvanger, Asbjørn (1993:02, Working paper, 1993) -
Frivillege avtaler som internasjonalt miljøpolitisk verkemiddel
Torvanger, Asbjørn (1997:07, Research report, 1997)Føremålet med dette prosjektet er å analysere frivillege avtaler i næringslivet og vurdere kva potensiale slike avtaler har som miljøpolitisk verkemiddel. Eit viktig spørsmål er under kva slag føresetnader frivillege avtaler ... -
Fuel substitution in Amazonia: Feasibility study to investigate future options for Joint Implementation projects between Brazil and Norway
Moreira, José Roberto; Corrêa, Francisco; Kasa, Sjur; Selrod, Rolf; Torvanger, Asbjørn (1995:01, Research report, 1995)The motives behind this study, financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is to increase our experience and knowledge of possible future Joint Implementation projects. The study demonstrates some opportunities ... -
Fører elektrifisering av plattformer på norsk sokkel til reduserte CO2-utslepp?
Torvanger, Asbjørn; Ericson, Torgeir (2013:03, Research report, 2013)I denne rapporten undersøker vi om drift av ei plattform på norsk sokkel via landstraum - elektrifisering - fører til lågare utslepp av CO2 enn tradisjonell drift via gassturbinar på plattforma. Resultata vil avhenge av ... -
Hydrogen for shipping – Opportunities for Norway
Torvanger, Asbjørn (2021:04, Research report, 2021-05)Physical and economic properties of hydrogen mean that its potential as shipping fuel with current technologies is limited to some shipping segments, since alternative fuels are better suited for other applications. An ... -
Implementing the Kyoto Protocol: The role of environmental agreements
Torvanger, Asbjørn; Skodvin, Tora (1999:04, Research report, 1999)Voluntary agreements between an industry or a company and the government to regulate various environmental impacts is a popular policy tool in many OECD countries. Since the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol to the United ... -
Improving climate risk preparedness - Railroads in Norway
Torvanger, Asbjørn; Dyvik Henke, Charlotte; Marginean, Iulia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Climate change affects all sectors of society due to changes in temperature and precipitation patterns and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future. Extreme weather events are already more frequent and intense, ... -
Instruments to incentivize private climate finance for developing countries
Torvanger, Asbjørn; Narbel, Patrick; Pillay, Kamleshan; Clapp, Christa (2016:08, Research report, 2016)Multiple financial instruments are available to de-risk or reduce costs related to climate mitigation measures and projects in developing countries. The financial instruments can be divided into the categories: revenue ... -
Joint Implementation under the Climate Convention: Phases, options and incentives
Torvanger, Asbjørn; Fuglestvedt, Jan S.; Hagem, Cathrine; Ringius, Lasse; Selrod, Rolf; Aaheim, H. Asbjørn (1994:06, Research report, 1994)The aim of this report is to analyze the conditions under which Joint Implementation (JI) can contribute to a costeffective abatement of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. JI refers to policies and measures implemented ...