Browsing CICERO Research Archive by Author "Tønnesen, Anders"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Barrierer for klimatilpasning på lokalt og regionalt nivå
Vindegg, Mikkel; Christensen, Ingrid; All, Carlo; Arnslett, Astrid; Tønnesen, Anders; Klemetsen, Marit; Temesgen, Amsale Kassahun; Hovelsrud, Grete K.; Selseng, Torbjørn (2022:03, Research report, 2022-05)På oppdrag fra Miljødirektoratet har CICERO, Vestlandsforskning og Nordlandsforskning gjennomført en studie av barrierer for klimatilpasning på lokalt og regionalt nivå. Studien består av en kunnskapssammenstilling om ... -
Byvekstavtaler i et flernivåperspektiv: helhetlig styringsverktøy med demokratiske utfordringer
Amundsen, Helene; Christiansen, Petter; Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær; Hofstad, Hege; Tønnesen, Anders; Westskog, Hege (2019:13, Research report, 2019-09)Prosjektet «Byvekstavtaler som redskap for bærekraftig bo-, areal- og transportutvikling» har som formål å studere byvekstavtalenes potensial for å oppnå en bærekraftig bo-, areal- og transportutvikling. CICERO Senter for ... -
Cities as public agents: A typology of co-creational leadership for urban climate transformation
Hofstad, Hege; Vedeld, Trond; Agger, Annika; Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær; Tønnesen, Anders; Valencia, Sandra (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This article develops a typology of co-creational leadership for urban climate transformation. The typology is constructed from a combination of governance theory and empirical observations of co-creational leadership in ... -
Climate, nature, land-use change and human rights
Tønnesen, Anders; Aamodt, Solveig; Bakkevoll, Sandra Elise; Reed, Eilif Ursin; Standal, Karina; Holmelin, Nina Bergan; Vindegg, Mikkel; van Oort, Bob Erik (2024:02, Research report, 2024)A transition to a low-carbon society is deeply needed, as a combined response to both the nature crisis and the climate crisis. To achieve a sustainable transition - built on inclusion, equity, and protection of nature and ... -
Local food systems and community development: a symbiotic relation? A case study of three rural municipalities in Norway
Westskog, Hege; Solnørdal, Mette Talseth; Vindegg, Mikkel; Tønnesen, Anders; Sandnes, Thea; Grasbekk, Bård Sødal; Christensen, Ingrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Policy makers and researchers are increasingly emphasising the need for more diversified and localised food systems. This study investigates relations between local food systems and community development, revealing how ... -
Metagoverning through intermediaries: the role of the Norwegian “Klimasats” Fund in translating national climate goals to local implementation
Farstad, Fay Madeleine; Tønnesen, Anders; Christensen, Ingrid; Sødal Grasbekk, Bård; Brudevoll, Kristiane (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)There is little knowledge of how policymakers manage governance networks (“metagovern”) within climate policy and especially at non-executive levels of public management. One strategy to metagovern is through using ... -
Urban contractual agreements as an adaptive governance strategy: under what conditions do they work in multi-level cooperation?
Westskog, Hege; Amundsen, Helene; Christiansen, Petter; Tønnesen, Anders (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The Norwegian urban growth agreement (UGA) is a governance platform combining transport-infrastructure development with land-use and transport policy. It is a policy package of measures involving network cooperation between ... -
Urban contractual agreements as an adaptive governance strategy: under what conditions do they work in multi-level cooperation?
Westskog, Hege; Amundsen, Helene; Christiansen, Petter; Tønnesen, Anders (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The Norwegian urban growth agreement (UGA) is a governance platform combining transport-infrastructure development with land-use and transport policy. It is a policy package of measures involving network cooperation between ... -
Veien til lavutslippssamfunnet i Hamar
Børke, Ragnhild; Romundstad, Reidun Marie; Tønnesen, Anders (2025:01, Research report, 2025-01)Hamar kommune skal revidere kommuneplanens samfunnsdel. Som en del av underlaget for revisjonen, har kommunen bestilt en utredning av hvilke grep det er viktig at kommunen tar i denne kommuneplanrevisjonen for å kunne bli ...