• Flomrisiko i Norge: Hvem betaler for framtidens våtere klima? 

      Alnes, Kristina; Berg, Alexander O.; Clapp, Christa; Lannoo, Elisabeth; Pillay, Kamleshan (2018:06, Research report, 2018-05)
      Norge er ett flomutsatt land og vi kan forvente oss mer flom i fremtiden. Som en følge av klimaendringer, vil mengden ekstrem nedbør øke og regnflommer vil bli større og komme oftere. Alle økonomiske sektorer kan bli ...
    • Flood Risk for Investors. Are you prepared? 

      Alnes, Kristina; Berg, Alexander O.; Clapp, Christa; Lannoo, Elisabeth; Pillay, Kamleshan (2018:05, Research report, 2018-05-04)
      The report discusses how climate change will affect the frequency and intensity of flooding events. Looking at four case studies, it maps the total costs of flood events and analyses who ultimately pays the costs. The case ...
    • Green Bonds and Environmental Integrity: Insights from CICERO Second Opinions 

      Clapp, Christa; Alfsen, Knut H.; Lund, Harald Francke; Pillay, Kamleshan (2016:01, Working paper, 2016)
      This policy note shares insights from CICERO's experience in producing over 60 second opinions. Insights on the environmental integrity of green bonds include: 1) Management that is aligned for climate risk can give greater ...
    • Instruments to incentivize private climate finance for developing countries 

      Torvanger, Asbjørn; Narbel, Patrick; Pillay, Kamleshan; Clapp, Christa (2016:08, Research report, 2016)
      Multiple financial instruments are available to de-risk or reduce costs related to climate mitigation measures and projects in developing countries. The financial instruments can be divided into the categories: revenue ...
    • Mobilizing Adaptation Finance in Developing Countries 

      Pillay, Kamleshan; Aakre, Stine; Torvanger, Asbjørn (2017:02, Research report, 2017-03-23)
      More funding is needed for adaptation to climate change, particularly in developing countries. Mobilization of adaptation finance is difficult due to uncertainties related to frequency, severity and geographical spread of ...
    • Norway’s role in supporting green growth in developing countries 

      Torvanger, Asbjørn; Pillay, Kamleshan (2016:03, Research report, 2016)
      This report discusses green growth in developing countries, and Norway's role supporting such a green development strategy. After defining green growth in the context of developing countries, the report discusses indicators ...