• Assessing metrics of climate change: Current methods and future possibilities 

      Fuglestvedt, Jan S.; Berntsen, Terje Koren; Godal, Odd; Sausen, Robert; Shine, Keith P.; Skodvin, Tora (2001:04, Research report, 2001)
      With the principle of comprehensiveness embedded in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (Art. 3), a multi-gas abatement strategy with emphasis also on non-CO2 greenhouse gases as targets for reduction and control ...
    • Costs Savings of a Flexible Multi-Gas Climate Policy 

      Aaheim, H. Asbjørn; Fuglestvedt, Jan S.; Godal, Odd (2004:03, Working paper, 2004)
      Current climate policies are based on the use of the Global Warming Potential (GWP) index to compare various greenhouse gases. Yet, from an economic point of view, more efficient methods exist. The purpose of this paper ...
    • Distribution of emission costs under different regulation schemes in Norway 

      Godal, Odd; Holtsmark, Bjart (1998:08, Working paper, 1998)
      The main aim of this paper is to describe how today's carbon dioxide (CO2) tax scheme affects the various sectors of the Norwegian economy. Furthermore, we want to illuminate some possible distributive consequences that ...
    • Estimates of future climate based on SRES emission scenarios 

      Godal, Odd; Sygna, Linda; Fuglestvedt, Jan S.; Berntsen, Terje Koren (2000:04, Working paper, 2000)
      The preliminary emission scenarios in the Special Report on Emission Scenario (SRES) developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), will eventually replace the old IS92 scenarios. By running these ...
    • Klimagasskvoter på sokkelen 

      Torvanger, Asbjørn; Godal, Odd; Kolshus, Hans H.; Aaheim, H. Asbjørn (2002:01, Research report, 2002)
      Formålet med denne rapporten er å utrede fordeler og ulemper ved frivillig tilknytning til et kvotesystem for klimagasser på bedriftsnivå, og fordeler og ulemper knyttet til ulike allokeringsmekanismer for klimagasskvoter ...
    • Utslipp til luft fra oljeindustrien: Tiltak, kostnader og virkemidler 

      Dragsund, Egil; Aunan, Kristin; Godal, Odd; Haugom, Gerd Petra; Holtsmark, Bjart (1999:02, Research report, 1999)
      Denne rapporten beskriver utviklingen i forurensende utslipp til luft fra oljeindustrien i Norge sammenlignet bidraget fra andre sektorer. Viktige tiltak som har bidratt til en reduksjon i utslippene per produsert enhet ...