• Reducing uncertainties in decadal variability of the global carbon budget with multiple datasets 

      Li, Wei; Ciais, Philippe; Wang, Yilong; Peng, Shushi; Broquet, Grégoire; Ballantyne, Ashley P.; Canadell, Josep G.; Cooper, Leila; Friedlingstein, Pierre; Le Quéré, Corinne; Myneni, Ranga B.; Peters, Glen Philip; Piao, Shilong; Pongratz, Julia (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Conventional calculations of the global carbon budget infer the land sink as a residual between emissions, atmospheric accumulation, and the ocean sink. Thus, the land sink accumulates the errors from the other flux terms ...
    • The Regional Aerosol Model Intercomparison Project (RAMIP) 

      Wilcox, Laura J.; Allen, Robert J.; Samset, Bjørn Hallvard; Bollasina, Massimo A.; Griffiths, Paul T.; Keeble, James; Lund, Marianne Tronstad; Makkonen, Risto; Merikanto, Joonas; O'Donnell, Declan; Paynter, David J.; Persad, Geeta G.; Rumbold, Steven T.; Takemura, Toshihiko; Tsigaridis, Kostas; Undorf, Sabine; Westervelt, Daniel M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Changes in anthropogenic aerosol emissions have strongly contributed to global and regional trends in temperature, precipitation, and other climate characteristics and have been one of the dominant drivers of decadal trends ...
    • Regional temperature change potentials for short-lived climate forcers based on radiative forcing from multiple models 

      Aamaas, Borgar; Berntsen, Terje Koren; Fuglestvedt, Jan S.; Shine, Keith P.; Collins, William J (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      We calculate the absolute regional temperature change potential (ARTP) of various short-lived climate forcers (SLCFs) based on detailed radiative forcing (RF) calculations from four different models. The temperature response ...
    • Reply to: Uncertainty in near-term temperature evolution must not obscure assessments of climate mitigation benefits 

      Samset, Bjørn Hallvard; Fuglestvedt, Jan S.; Lund, Marianne Tronstad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      In response to our recent paper1 (hereafter SFL20) concerning the relation between natural variability in the climate system and the time to detect a response to emissions mitigation, Lanson et al.2 (hereafter L22) call ...
    • The Representation of Sea Salt Aerosols and Their Role in Polar Climate Within CMIP6 

      Lapere, Rémy; Thomas, Jennie L.; Marelle, Louis; Ekman, Annica M. L.; Frey, Markus M.; Lund, Marianne Tronstad; Makkonen, Risto; Ranjithkumar, Ananth; Salter, Matthew E.; Samset, Bjørn Hallvard; Schulz, Michael; Sogacheva, Larisa; Yang, Xin; Zieger, Paul (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Natural aerosols and their interactions with clouds remain an important uncertainty within climate models, especially at the poles. Here, we study the behavior of sea salt aerosols (SSaer) in the Arctic and Antarctic within ...
    • Representing storylines with causal networks to support decision making: Framework and example 

      Kunimitsu, Taro; Baldissera Pacchetti, Marina; Ciullo, Alessio; Sillmann, Jana; Shepherd, Theodore G.; Taner, Mehmet Ümit; van den Hurk, Bart (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Physical climate storylines, which are physically self-consistent unfoldings of events or pathways, have been powerful tools in understanding regional climate impacts. We show how embedding physical climate storylines into ...
    • Research priorities for negative emissions 

      Fuss, Sabine; Jones, Chris D.; Kraxner, Florian; Peters, Glen Philip; Smith, Pete; Tavoni, Massimo; van Vuuren, Detlef Peter; Canadell, Josep G.; Jackson, Robert B.; Milne, Jennifer L.; Moreira, José Roberto; Nakicenovic, Nebojsa; Sharifi, Ayyoob; Yamagata, Yoshiki (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      Carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere (CDR)—also known as 'negative emissions'—features prominently in most 2 °C scenarios and has been under increased scrutiny by scientists, citizens, and policymakers. Critics argue ...
    • Response to marine cloud brightening in a multi-model ensemble 

      Stjern, Camilla Weum; Muri, Helene; Ahlm, Lars; Boucher, Olivier; Cole, Jason N.S.; Ji, Duoying; Jones, Andy; Haywood, Jim M.; Kravitz, Ben; Lenton, Andrew; Moore, John C.; Niemeier, Ulrike; Phipps, Steven J.; Schmidt, Hauke; Watanabe, Shingo; Kristjansson, Jon Egill (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)
    • Response to marine cloud brightening in a multi-model ensemble 

      Stjern, Camilla Weum; Muri, Helene; Ahlm, Lars; Boucher, Olivier; Cole, Jason N.S.; Ji, Duoying; Jones, Andy; Haywood, Jim M.; Kravitz, Ben; Lenton, Andrew; Moore, John C.; Niemeier, Ulrike; Phipps, Steven J.; Schmidt, Hauke; Watanabe, Shingo; Kristjansson, Jon Egill (Journal article, 2017)
      Here we show results from Earth System Model simulations from the marine cloud brightening experiment G4cdnc of the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP). The nine contributing models prescribe a 50 % ...
    • Responses of Arctic black carbon and surface temperature to multi-region emission reductions: A Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution Phase 2 (HTAP2) ensemble modeling study 

      Nan-nan, Zhao; Dong, Xinyi; Huang, Kan; Fu, Joshua S.; Lund, Marianne Tronstad; Sudo, Kengo; Henze, Daven K.; Kucsera, Tom; Lam, Yun Fat; Chin, Mian; Tilmes, Simone (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Black carbon (BC) emissions play an important role in regional climate change in the Arctic. It is necessary to pay attention to the impact of long-range transport from regions outside the Arctic as BC emissions from local ...
    • A review of coarse mineral dust in the Earth system 

      Adebiyi, Adeyemi; Kok, Jasper F.; Murray, Benjamin J.; Ryder, Claire L.; Stuut, Jan-Berend W.; Kahn, Ralph A.; Knippertz, Peter; Formenti, Paola; Mahowald, Natalie M.; Pérez García-Pando, Carlos; Klose, Martina; Ansmann, Albert; Samset, Bjørn Hallvard; Ito, Akinori; Balkanski, Yves; Di Biagio, Claudia; Romanias, Manolis N.; Huang, Yue; Meng, Jun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Mineral dust particles suspended in the atmosphere span more than three orders of magnitude in diameter, from <0.1 μm to more than 100 μm. This wide size range makes dust a unique aerosol species with the ability to interact ...
    • A review of trends and drivers of greenhouse gas emissions by sector from 1990 to 2018 

      Lamb, William F.; Wiedmann, Thomas O; Pongratz, Julia; Andrew, Robbie; Crippa, Monica; Olivier, Jos G. J.; Wiedenhofer, Dominik; Mattioli, Giulio; Khourdajie, Alaa Al; House, Jo; Pachauri, Shonali; Figueroa, Maria J.; Saheb, Yamina; Slade, Raphael; Hubacek, Klaus; Sun, Laixiang; Ribeiro, Suzana Kahn; Khennas, Smail; De La Rue Du Can, Stephane; Chapungu, Lazarus; Davis, Steven J.; Bashmakov, Igor; Dai, Hancheng; Dhakal, Shobhakar; Tan, Xianchun; Geng, Yong; Gu, Baihe; Minx, Jan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can be traced to five economic sectors: energy, industry, buildings, transport and AFOLU (agriculture, forestry and other land uses). In this topical review, we synthesise the literature ...
    • Right-wing populism and climate policies: Explaining opposition to road tolls in Norway 

      Aasen, Marianne; Sælen, Håkon (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      In 2019, the road toll uproar in Norway contributed to a governmental crisis and road tolls became the most debated issue in the media. Using survey data of around 2,000 respondents, we explore what characterizes opponents ...
    • “Robots taking over the world… fantastic!” Understanding social representations, familiarity and visions of experiments with autonomous public transportation 

      Julsrud, Tom Erik; Aasen, Marianne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Autonomous public transport (APT) represents a potentially important innovation in the transition to a low-carbon transport system. Niche operators around the world are currently starting to experiment with forms of APT ...
    • The role of community sharing in sustainability transformation: case studies from Norway 

      Westskog, Hege; Julsrud, Tom Erik; Kallbekken, Steffen; Frenken, Koen; Schor, Juliet; Standal, Karina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Based on three case studies of community sharing in different sectors of society, we address how and under what conditions community sharing can contribute to sustainability transformation. Considering modes of exchange ...
    • The role of spatial and temporal model resolution in a flood event storyline approach in western Norway 

      Schaller, Nathalie; Sillmann, Jana; Müller, Malte; Haarsma, Reindert; Hazeleger, Wilco; Hegdahl, Trine Jahr; Kelder, Timo; van den Oord, Gijs; Weerts, Albrecht; Whan, Kirien (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      We apply a physical climate storyline approach to an autumn flood event in the West Coast of Norway caused by an atmospheric river to demonstrate the value and challenges of higher spatial and temporal resolution in ...
    • Ruminating on sustainable food systems in a net-zero world 

      van Oort, Bob; Daloz, Anne Sophie; Andrew, Robbie; Farstad, Fay Madeleine; Guillen-Royo, Monica; Hermansen, Erlend Andre T.; Holmelin, Nina; Kallbekken, Steffen; Orlov, Anton; Sillmann, Jana; Skagen, Katrine; Ytreberg, Nora Svarstad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      For as long as sustainable food systems have been on the global agenda, the meaning of ‘sustainable’ has been hotly debated. Discussing the use and abuse of the term sustainability in the food-system context, we select a ...
    • Satellite-based analysis of top of atmosphere shortwave radiative forcing trend induced by biomass burning aerosols over South-Eastern Atlantic 

      Jouan, Caroline; Myhre, Gunnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      This study investigates long-term changes in the shortwave direct aerosol radiative effect (DARE) at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) induced by biomass burning aerosol (BBA) transported from southern Africa to the south-eastern ...
    • Satellite-based evaluation of AeroCom model bias in biomass burning regions 

      Zhong, Qirui; Schutgens, Nick; Van Der Werf, Guido; Van Noije, Twan; Tsigaridis, Kostas; Bauer, Susanne E.; Mielonen, Tero; Kirkevåg, Alf; Seland, Øyvind; Kokkola, Harri; Checa-Garcia, Ramiro; Neubauer, David; Kipling, Zak; Matsui, Hitoshi; Ginoux, Paul; Takemura, Toshihiko; Le Sager, Philippe; Rémy, Samuel; Bian, Huisheng; Chin, Mian; Zhang, Kai; Zhu, Jialei; Tsyro, Svetlana; Curci, Gabriele; Protonotariou, Anna; Johnson, Ben; Penner, Joyce E.; Bellouin, Nicolas; Skeie, Ragnhild Bieltvedt; Myhre, Gunnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Global models are widely used to simulate biomass burning aerosol (BBA). Exhaustive evaluations on model representation of aerosol distributions and properties are fundamental to assess health and climate impacts of BBA. ...
    • Science as a "fixed point" Quantification and boundary objects in international climate politics 

      Lahn, Bård; Sundqvist, Göran (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Our understanding of climate change is dominated by quantified scientific knowledge, with science and politics usually seen as operating separately and autonomously from one another. By investigating a particular fact box ...