• CICERO MILESTONES 2018. A practitioner's perpective on the Green Bond Market 

      Alfsen, Knut H.; Alnes, Kristina; Berg, Alexander O.; Clapp, Christa; Dejonckheere, Sophie; Lund, Harald Francke; Schiessl, Bernhard; Torvanger, Asbjørn (2018:11, Research report, 2018-09-07)
      Celebrating our 10th anniversary of providing second opinions, this report summarizes CICERO's approach and best practice application of our methodology. The green bond market has developed significantly since we assessed ...
    • Climate assessments of six key Norwegian sectors 

      Alnes, Kristina; Sælen, Håkon; Lund, Harald Francke; Lahn, Bård; Eine, Kristin; Alfsen, Knut H.; Schiessl, Bernhard (2021:02, Report, 2021-02)
      The Sustainable Edge sector briefs summarize material climate-related risks and impacts to investors and lenders. The briefs cover key risks, emission sources, risk management and climate-related regulation relevant for ...
    • Estimating mobilized private climate finance for developing countries - A Norwegian pilot study 

      Torvanger, Asbjørn; Narbel, Patrick; Lund, Harald Francke (2015:04, Research report, 2015)
      The point of departure for this study is the available data in Norway on climate finance for developing countries. The bottleneck in tracking mobilized private climate finance is availability and quality of data. The main ...
    • Green Bonds and Environmental Integrity: Insights from CICERO Second Opinions 

      Clapp, Christa; Alfsen, Knut H.; Lund, Harald Francke; Pillay, Kamleshan (2016:01, Working paper, 2016)
      This policy note shares insights from CICERO's experience in producing over 60 second opinions. Insights on the environmental integrity of green bonds include: 1) Management that is aligned for climate risk can give greater ...
    • Shades of Climate Risk. Categorizing climate risk for investors 

      Clapp, Christa; Lund, Harald Francke; Aamaas, Borgar; Lannoo, Elisabeth (2017:01, Research report, 2017)
      Taking a starting point in the latest climate science, this report categorizes climate change risk according to timeframe and probability by region and highlights risks that require immediate attention from investors. ...
    • Sustainable Edge: Exploring green shading for companies 

      Alnes, Kristina; Schiessl, Bernhard; Lund, Harald Francke; Berg, Alexander O.; Dahl, Miriam Stackpole; Clapp, Christa (2019:01, Report, 2019-01-29)
      Despite the importance of finance in driving the green economic transition, it is not easy for investors to analyze the degree of sustainability and climate risk exposure of their portfolios – and to fully exploit the value ...
    • Visjoner av lavkarbon Norge 

      Torvanger, Asbjørn; Bjørnæs, Christian; Lund, Harald Francke; Oort, Bob van (2016:09, Research report, 2016)
      Vi har utviklet visjoner av Norge i 2050 som et lavkarbon og klimarobust samfunn, basert på innspill fra en referansegruppe fra næringsliv, organisasjoner, myndigheter, forskningsmiljø og miljøorganisasjoner. De viktigste ...