Browsing CICERO Research Archive by Author "Holtsmark, Bjart"
Now showing items 1-20 of 27
A comparison of taxes and tradable permits in national climate policy
Holtsmark, Bjart (1999:08, Working paper, 1999)This article discusses domestic climate policy design in a country that has made a binding commitment to the Kyoto Protocol but at the same time want to limit the number of industry shutdowns that follows from the policy. ... -
A credible compliance enforcement system for the climate regime
Hovi, Jon; Greaker, Mads; Hagem, Cathrine; Holtsmark, Bjart (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)The compliance enforcement system of the Kyoto Protocol provides only weak incentives for Parties to comply with their commitments. For example, the penalties for non-compliant countries are not legally binding, and moreover, ... -
A credible compliance enforcement system for the climate regime
Hovi, Jon; Greaker, Mads; Hagem, Cathrine; Holtsmark, Bjart (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)The compliance enforcement system of the Kyoto Protocol provides only weak incentives for Parties to comply with their commitments. For example, the penalties for non-compliant countries are not legally binding, and moreover, ... -
Betingete posisjoner i klimaforhandlingene
Hovi, Jon; Holtsmark, Bjart (1997:09, Working paper, 1997) -
Can multi-criteria rules fairly distribute climate burdens? OECD results from three burden-sharing rules
Ringius, Lasse; Torvanger, Asbjørn; Holtsmark, Bjart (1998:06, Working paper, 1998)An important feature of the Protocol concluded in Kyoto, Japan, in December 1997 is the differentiation of the climate targets of the industrialized countries. A more systematic approach to burden sharing than that leading ... -
Climate agreements: Optimal taxation of fossil fuels and the distribution of cost and benefits across countries
Holtsmark, Bjart (1997:05, Working paper, 1997)The paper analyses governments' response to a climate agreement that commits themselves to reducing their emissions of CO2. A formula for optimal taxation of fossil fuels in open economies subject both to an emission ... -
Climate strategy for Africa
Hernes, Helga; Dalfelt, Arne; Berntsen, Terje Koren; Holtsmark, Bjart; Næss, Lars Otto; Selrod, Rolf; Aaheim, H. Asbjørn (1995:03, Research report, 1995)1. General observations Africa south of the Sahara is probably the most vulnerable region when it comes to the impact and consequences of climate changes. Yet the African continent runs a serious risk of being marginalized ... -
Consistency of World Bank country assistance with client country commitments under FCCC: A Czech Republic, Poland, and Hungary case study
Ringius, Lasse; Holtsmark, Bjart; Matlary, Janne Haaland; Sørensen, Erik (1995:04, Research report, 1995)The report evaluates the consistency of World Bank country assistance strategies with client country commitments under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC) in the cases of the Czech Republic, ... -
Coordination of flexible instruments in climate policy
Holtsmark, Bjart; Alfsen, Knut H. (1998:04, Research report, 1998)The Kyoto Protocol must be the starting point for the choice of domestic climate policy instruments. It is so far uncertain whether the required number of Parties will ratify the Protocol for the Protocol to enter into ... -
Deling av arbeid, arbeidsløshet og miljøproblemer - en drøfting av noen kortsiktige og langsiktige sammenhenger
Holtsmark, Bjart (1996:07, Research report, 1996)The aim of the project is to discuss the links between technological development, unemployment, work sharing and some environmental issues. The discussion explores whether reduced working hours in general are likely to ... -
Distribution of emission costs under different regulation schemes in Norway
Godal, Odd; Holtsmark, Bjart (1998:08, Working paper, 1998)The main aim of this paper is to describe how today's carbon dioxide (CO2) tax scheme affects the various sectors of the Norwegian economy. Furthermore, we want to illuminate some possible distributive consequences that ... -
Effects on consumer demand patterns of falling prices in telecommunication
Holtsmark, Bjart; Aasness, Jørgen (1995:08, Working paper, 1995)The relentless technological change in telecommunication industry is forcing down many of the cost elements of a telephone call. Already, the marginal costs of the use of telecommunication networks are so low that these ... -
Exploring distribution of commitments: A follow-up to the Berlin Mandate
Torvanger, Asbjørn; Berntsen, Terje Koren; Fuglestvedt, Jan S.; Holtsmark, Bjart; Ringius, Lasse; Aaheim, H. Asbjørn (1996:03, Research report, 1996)The study reviews and analyzes some major issues that must be considered when defining principles for distributing commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for countries belonging to the Organization for Economic ... -
Fra kvotebørsen til petroleumsmarkedene
Holtsmark, Bjart (1999:04, Working paper, 1999)Kyotoprotokollen tallfester grenser for de enkelte industrilandenes utslipp av klimagasser i perioden 2008-2012, men åpner for en viss grad av overføring av forpliktelser mellom landene. Om noen år kan derfor et nytt ... -
From small to insignificant: Climate impact of the Kyoto Protocol with and without the US
Hagem, Cathrine; Holtsmark, Bjart (2001:01, Working paper, 2001)American president George W. Bush has declared that he will not ask the Senate to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. This commentary explores the potential impact of implementing the Kyoto Protocol without the participation of the ... -
From the Kyoto Protocol to the fossil fuel market: A model analysis
Holtsmark, Bjart (1998:09, Working paper, 1998)Implementation of the Kyoto Protocol will change the energy markets. The resulting price shifts will represent important terms-of-trade changes. The paper explores how the different countries’ relationship to the fossil ... -
Gratiskvoter til industrien - ikke så enkelt
Holtsmark, Bjart (1999:06, Working paper, 1999)Stortinget ønsker et norsk marked for omsettelige utslippskvoter for klimagasser og et offentlig utvalg (Kvoteutvalget) utreder mulighetene for å etablere et marked. Et vanskelig tema er gratiskvoter som virkemiddel for å ... -
Kjøp og salg av klimagasskvoter: Noen mulige konsekvenser av Kyoto-protokollen
Alfsen, Knut H.; Holtsmark, Bjart; Torvanger, Asbjørn (1998:02, Working paper, 1998) -
Kortere arbeidstid og miljøproblemer - noen regneeksempler for å illustrere mulige kortsiktige og langsiktige sammenhenger
Holtsmark, Bjart (1996:03, Working paper, 1996)Det er skapt et inntrykk av at kortere arbeidstid vil bidra til å redusere miljøproblemene. Dette kan være bygget på en for enkel tankegang hvor man neglisjerer den teknologiske utviklingens potensiale for å løse miljøproblemer ... -
Kostnadseffektiv klimapolitikk med doble gevinster
Holtsmark, Bjart (1999:06, Working paper, 1999)Publikajsonen drøfter valg og dosering av klimapolitiske tiltak i et land som er bundet av en utslippsforpliktelse i Kyotoprotokollen, men samtidig tar hensyn til en offentlig budsjettbetingelse. Antakelsen om at en ...