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The Paris Agreement has the potential to facilitate ambitious climate action: a reply to ‘Why do climate change negotiations stall? Scientific evidence and solutions for some structural problems’ by Ulrich J. Frey and Jazmin Burgess
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Frey and Burgess (2022) argue that climate change negotiations have stalled because of the global public goods nature of the problem, the consensus decision-making process and the lack of institutions to enforce sanctions. ... -
Parisavtalens konsekvenser for klimagassutslipp i nye Viken fylke
(2019:17, Research report, 2019-12)Akershus fylkeskommune har gitt CICERO Senter for klimaforskning i oppdrag å analysere Parisavtalens konsekvenser for klimagassutslipp i nye Viken fylke og relatere dette til FNs bærekraftmål. I tillegg oppsummerer vi ... -
Pastoral herding strategies and governmental management objectives: predation compensation as a risk buffering strategy in the Saami reindeer husbandry
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Previously it has been found that an important risk buffering strategy in the Saami reindeer husbandry in Norway is the accumulation of large herds of reindeer as this increases long-term household viability. Nevertheless, ... -
People's opinion of climate policy - Popular support for climate policy alternatives in Norway
(2012:03, Working paper, 2012)How can we evaluate whether national climate policies are sufficient? Which moral principles should be the basis of our policy efforts? The answers to these questions are central to the development of any climate policy ... -
Percentile indices for assessing changes in heavy precipitation events
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Many climate studies assess trends and projections in heavy precipitation events using precipitation percentile (or quantile) indices. Here we investigate three different percentile indices that are commonly used. We ... -
Perceptions of ecological migration in Inner Mongolia, China: summary of fieldwork and relevance for climate adaptation
(2009:05, Research report, 2009) -
Performance-based Potential for Residential Energy Efficiency
(2013:01, Research report, 2012) -
Personal exposure to PM2.5 in Chinese rural households in the Yangtze River Delta
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)High levels of PM2.5 exposure and associated health risks are of great concern in rural China. For this study, we used portable PM2.5 monitors for monitoring concentrations online, recorded personal time‐activity patterns, ... -
Personal exposure to PM2.5 in Chinese rural households in the Yangtze River Delta
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)High levels of PM2.5 exposure and associated health risks are of great concern in rural China. For this study, we used portable PM2.5 monitors for monitoring concentrations online, recorded personal time‐activity patterns, ... -
Perspective of comprehensive and comprehensible multi-model energy and climate science in Europe
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Europe’s capacity to explore the envisaged pathways that achieve its near- and long-term energy and climate objectives needs to be significantly enhanced. In this perspective, we discuss how this capacity is supported by ... -
A perspective on the next generation of Earth system model scenarios: Towards representative emission pathways (REPs)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In every Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment cycle, a multitude of scenarios are assessed, with different scope and emphasis throughout the various Working Group reports and special reports, as well ... -
Perspectives on tipping points in integrated models of the natural and human Earth system: Cascading effects and telecoupling
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The Earth system and the human system are intrinsically linked. Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions have led to the climate crisis, which is causing unprecedented extreme events and could trigger Earth system tipping ... -
Physical climate risk: Investor needs and information gaps
(2019:03, Research report, 2019-03-11)While investors are paying more attention to climate change, there is a lack of granular data designed to support financial decisions. Climate science can provide improved indicators and metrics to help investors better ... -
Physical modeling supporting a storyline approach
(2019:01, Working paper, 2019)The concept of analyzing and communicating high-impact events in the climate change context via storylines has recently gained popularity in the climate modeling community. For instance, the use of case studies or storylines ... -
Planlagt etablering av Klimafond å diskusjon av formål, anvendelse og effekt
(2007:05, Research report, 2007) -
PNB Merdeka Ventures
(Second opinions;2017:017, Report, 2017-10-30)Category: Second Opinion, Sector: Real Estate, Issuer type: Corporate, Shading: Medium Green -
Poland’s renewable energy policy mix: European influence and domestic soap opera
(2017:01, Working paper, 2017)Poland’s energy mix is dominated by indigenous coal, and since the country joined the European Union in 2004 it has been clear that it will do much to safeguard its domestic coal sector and resist pressures for ambitious ... -
Policy Entrepreneurship Curbed by Member State Preferences: DG Climate Action and the Effort Sharing Policy
(2018:10, Research report, 2018-07-11)Efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the European Union (EU) are divided between two sector overreaching policy frameworks, the Emissions Trading Scheme and the Effort Sharing policy. The Effort Sharing policy ... -
Policy invention and entrepreneurship: Bankrolling the burying of carbon in the EU
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)This article presents the case of a policy invention where various kinds of entrepreneurship and a window of opportunity played important roles. In 2008 the EU adopted a new Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) policy with an ... -
The politics of domestic climate governance: making sense of complex participation patterns
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This article reviews literature on six actor groups engaged in domestic mitigation governance. It evaluates the usefulness of three climate governance models: market failure, socio-technological transition and public ...