Browsing CICERO Research Archive by Title
Now showing items 95-114 of 1031
Betydningen av kommunal klimapolitikk. Virkemidler, potensial og barrierer
(2005:06, Research report, 2005)Denne rapporten viser at kommunene besitter viktige klimavirkemidler og at potensialet for det lokale klimaarbeidet er av betydning. De spiller en viktig rolle i reduksjon av utslipp knyttet til valg av boligmønster og ... -
Biblioteket som drivkraft for mer bærekraftig forbruk. Erfaringer fra UPSCALE 2020-24
(CICERO Report;2024:05, Report, 2024-10)Rapporten presenterer utvalgte hovedfunn fra UPSCALE prosjektet. En survey-undersøkelse viser først hvordan interesse for lån av gjenstander fordeler seg i fem kommuner og hvilke faktorer som forklarer dagens utlånsaktivitet. ... -
Biofuel burning and human respiration bias on satellite estimates of fossil fuel CO2 emissions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The satellites that have been designed to support the monitoring of fossil fuel CO2 emissions aim to systematically measure atmospheric CO2 plumes generated by intense emissions from large cities, power plants and industrial ... -
Biological effects of climate change: An introduction to the field and a survey of current research
(1993:03, Research report, 1993)This report presents a survey of international (Chapter 2) as well as national research activities within 13 selected countries (Chapter 3) in the field of biological effects of climate change. In addition, a brief overview ... -
Black carbon aerosol reductions during COVID-19 confinement quantified by aircraft measurements over Europe
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The abrupt reduction in human activities during the first lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic created unprecedented atmospheric conditions. To quantify the changes in lower tropospheric air pollution, we conducted the BLUESKY ... -
Black Carbon and Precipitation: An Energetics Perspective
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Black carbon (BC) aerosols influence precipitation through a range of processes. The climate response to the presence of BC is however highly dependent on its vertical distribution. Here, we analyze the changes in the ... -
Black carbon vertical profiles strongly affect its radiative forcing uncertainty
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)The impact of black carbon (BC) aerosols on the global radiation balance is not well constrained. Here twelve global aerosol models are used to show that at least 20% of the present uncertainty in modeled BC direct radiative ... -
Blocking and its Response to Climate Change
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Purpose of Review Atmospheric blocking events represent some of the most high-impact weather patterns in the mid-latitudes, yet they have often been a cause for concern in future climate projections. There has been low ... -
Broadening the climate regime: Design and feasibility of multi-stage climate agreements
(2005:02, Research report, 2005)To meet a climate target like maximum 2 ºC temperature increase by 2100, participation in efforts to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases must be broader than that in the Kyoto Protocol. It will also require emission ... -
Bruk av delte og selvkjørende kjøretøy i norske boligområder: hva synes innbyggerne?
(2021:01, Working paper, 2021) -
Burden differentiation of greenhouse gas abatement: Criteria for evaluation and development of burden-sharing rules
(2000:01, Working paper, 2000)This article discusses nine criteria for evaluation of potential Burden Sharing Rules (BSRs) in climate policy agreements. Three of the criteria reflect fairness principles while six of them are operational requirements. ... -
Burden differentiation of greenhouse gas abatement: Fairness principles and proposals
(1999:13, Working paper, 1999)This report is the second working paper of the joint CICERO (Center for International Climate and Environmental Research, Oslo) and ECN (Netherlands Energy Research Foundation) project ‘Rules for Burden Differentiation of ... -
Burden differentiation: GHG emissions, undercurrents and mitigation costs
(1999:14, Working paper, 1999) -
The Burning Issues of Punjab: Exploring the Different Futures on Offer when Managing Residue in Punjab’s Rice-Wheat Cropping System
(2024:04, Report, 2024)The annual rotation from rice to wheat across Punjab leaves millions of tons of straw residue. The preferred method for handling residue has been incineration. This contributes to the winter smog that covers the mega-city ... -
Business as UNusual: the implications of fossil divestment and green bonds for financial flows, economic growth and energy market
(2016:01, Working paper, 2016)Green bonds and fossil divestment has emerged as a bottom-up approach to climate action within the business community. Recent pledges by large banks and institutional investors have reached levels that have the potential ... -
Business Models for Negative Emissions From Waste-to-Energy Plants
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Negative emissions of carbon dioxide will likely be needed to meet the <2°C warming above the pre-industrial level goal of the Paris Agreement. A major technology option is combining Biomass Energy with Carbon Capture and ... -
BVOC-aerosol-climate feedbacks investigated using NorESM
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Both higher temperatures and increased CO2 con centrations are (separately) expected to increase the emis sions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs). This has been proposed to initiate negative climate feedback ... -
Byvekstavtaler i et flernivåperspektiv: helhetlig styringsverktøy med demokratiske utfordringer
(2019:13, Report, 2019-09)Prosjektet «Byvekstavtaler som redskap for bærekraftig bo-, areal- og transportutvikling» har som formål å studere byvekstavtalenes potensial for å oppnå en bærekraftig bo-, areal- og transportutvikling. CICERO Senter for ... -
Bærekraftig deling i norske kommuner: status og nye muligheter
(2021:01, Working paper, 2020)Denne studien er del av prosjektet UPSCALE, der formålet er å undersøke mulighetene for å øke omfanget av bærekraftig utlån og deling med utgangspunkt i lokale biblioteker. For å få vite mer om bruk av eksisterende dele- ... -
Bærekraftig matproduksjon - En diskursiv tilnærming til koordinering
(2020:06, Report, 2020-09)Fremveksten av komplekse og grenseoverskridende utfordringer har økt nødvendigheten av samarbeid og koordinering på tvers av sektorielle linjer. I denne masteroppgaven kombineres en kritisk diskursanalyse med koordineringsteori ...