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Forty-seven years of weekly atmospheric black carbon measurements in the Finnish Arctic: Decrease in black carbon with declining emissions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)Concentrations of atmospheric black carbon, [BC], were determined from filter samples collected weekly at Kevo, Finland (69°45′N, 27°02′E), from 1964 to 2010 using optical and thermal optical methods. The data provide the ... -
Forvaltning - notat om fordeling av ansvar på statlig, fylke og kommunalt nivå for kulturminner, drikkevannforsyning, beredskap, landbruksforvaltning og naturforvaltning
(2008:01, Research report, 2008)Denne rapporten gir en oversikt over forvaltningen innenfor sektorene drikkevannsforsyning, kulturminner, landbruk og naturmiljø samt innenfor beredskapsforvaltning. Rapporten kartlegger de ulike aktørene på forskjellige ... -
Forventede klimaendringer og effekter i Norge med mulig betydning for kraftforsyningen
(2009:09, Research report, 2009) -
Fossil CO2 emissions in the post-COVID-19 era
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Five years after the adoption of the Paris Climate Agreement, growth in global CO2 emissions has begun to falter. The pervasive disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic have radically altered the trajectory of global CO2 ... -
Fossilfri anleggsvirksomhet, Innlandet fylkeskommune
(2021:03, Report, 2021)Dette notatet tar for seg direkte utslipp fra anleggsmaskiner på anleggsplass, og er utarbeidet av CICERO Senter for klimaforskning på oppdrag fra Innlandet fylkeskommune, avdeling Samferdsel, Trafikk og miljø. Tema som ... -
Fra kvotebørsen til petroleumsmarkedene
(1999:04, Working paper, 1999)Kyotoprotokollen tallfester grenser for de enkelte industrilandenes utslipp av klimagasser i perioden 2008-2012, men åpner for en viss grad av overføring av forpliktelser mellom landene. Om noen år kan derfor et nytt ... -
Frameworks for Comparing Emissions Associated with Production, Consumption, And International Trade
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)While the problem of climate change is being perceived as increasingly urgent, decision-makers struggle to agree on the distribution of responsibility across countries. In particular, representatives from countries hosting ... -
Framtidige generasjonar i økonomiske analysar
(1993:02, Working paper, 1993) -
Framtidige krav til klimagassutslipp: Mulige langsiktige utslippsforpliktelser for Norge
(1998:01, Working paper, 1998) -
Frequency of extreme precipitation increases extensively with event rareness under global warming
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The intensity of the heaviest extreme precipitation events is known to increase with global warming. How often such events occur in a warmer world is however less well established, and the combined effect of changes in ... -
"Friedheim in the Greenhouse": Tracing key positions of key actors on key climate issues
(1997:11, Working paper, 1997)The climate negotiation process is probably the most complex international environmental negotiation process to date. A high number of actors and issues are involved. In order to increase the understanding of the political ... -
Frivillege avtaler som internasjonalt miljøpolitisk verkemiddel
(1997:07, Research report, 1997)Føremålet med dette prosjektet er å analysere frivillege avtaler i næringslivet og vurdere kva potensiale slike avtaler har som miljøpolitisk verkemiddel. Eit viktig spørsmål er under kva slag føresetnader frivillege avtaler ... -
From Hazard to Risk
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018) -
From non-market support to cost-competitive incentives: Wind energy commercialization in China
(2000:03, Working paper, 2000)This paper presents an overview of the development of wind energy in China. By examining the economics of windfarm development, it compares the economics of wind technology with other conventional energy technologies and ... -
From small to insignificant: Climate impact of the Kyoto Protocol with and without the US
(2001:01, Working paper, 2001)American president George W. Bush has declared that he will not ask the Senate to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. This commentary explores the potential impact of implementing the Kyoto Protocol without the participation of the ... -
From taxes to permits? The Norwegian climate policy debate
(2000:06, Research report, 2000)Taxation as an instrument for environmental policy (green taxes) has been a topic of heated debate in Norway for almost 30 years. The subject of environmental taxes has time after time inflamed both policymakers and scholars ... -
From the Kyoto Protocol to the fossil fuel market: A model analysis
(1998:09, Working paper, 1998)Implementation of the Kyoto Protocol will change the energy markets. The resulting price shifts will represent important terms-of-trade changes. The paper explores how the different countries’ relationship to the fossil ... -
Fuel substitution in Amazonia: Feasibility study to investigate future options for Joint Implementation projects between Brazil and Norway
(1995:01, Research report, 1995)The motives behind this study, financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is to increase our experience and knowledge of possible future Joint Implementation projects. The study demonstrates some opportunities ... -
Future changes in atmospheric rivers and Extreme precipitation in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Flooding events associated with extreme precipitation have had large impacts in Norway. It is well known that these Heavy precipitation events afecting Norway (and other parts of Europe) are strongly associated with ...